**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

The irresponsibility of the average American dog owner continues to amaze me. It’s actually a weird step forward if they leave a bag of dogshit on your lawn instead of just the shit. How did this kind of behavior ever get normalized?

DIB is why the Second Amendment was created

Because we don’t credibly threaten to kill their dogs if they don’t pick up poop.

I would expect nothing less from a country that wants to abolish police.


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holy shit



McBride said over the last 20 years, she’s been let go from several jobs without being given a reason why, and said it now all makes sense.

“This is why. Because when they ran my criminal background check, all they’re seeing is those two words: felony embezzlement,” McBride said.

On Wednesday, the DA’s office said it decided to dismiss the case against McBride, but Blau said she still needs to have the case expunged in order to clear her record.

I love how the article just skips the most important part - how does a non-returned VCR tape EVER turn into a felony embezzlement charge? Lawbros? Someone should be in jail, or at least be sued into oblivion, for making that happen and/or not stopping it.

Though the case was dismissed and expunged Wednesday, Caron McBride is looking into legal options.

“It’s hurt me tremendously, and my family,” she told USA TODAY. “It makes me madder and madder the more I think about it.”

Sounds like she’s looking for someone to sue. Good.

hahahah what a fucking pussy, showboating like he’s picking it up if someone is looking. OWN IT YOU COWARD


yes I’m sure in this world where prosecutors literally get away with railroading suspects they know are innocent by suppressing evidence and all sorts of other malicious prosecution that this woman will surely, definitely, absolutely get satisfaction in this quest.

I have nearly zero knowledge of dogs. Never had one, never wanted one, don’t really like them or hanging around them. So, I’m sure this is a dumb question. What’s the etiquette on dog piss? Can they just piss anywhere and is that OK? Specifically when I’m walking around downtown, I see people letting their dogs just piss on the sidewalk. Standard?

yes, absolutely standard, though there are some fucking dipshits who will complain about it on nextdoor etc

Another dumb one: Is it odorless?

downtown it’s a little different, dogs peeing on the sidewalk are (usually) a people problem - the human needs to take the dog to a patch of grass or flowerbed or whatever. There’s SOMETHING nearby most of the time and most dogs would prefer it.

A lot of condos/lofts/townhouses downtown here have dumb little “keep your dog out of here” signs, fuck off, the dog is peeing where she wants to, that’s part of the deal if you can’t handle it don’t move downtown.

FWIW I am absolutely yelling at anyone I see not picking up their dog shit. Usually a loud “HEY DO YOU NEED TO BORROW A BAGGIE” gets the job done

Dog pee can be a bit hard on grass so I try to get my dog to go on my lawn before we head out for a walk in the city. Some performative Mega Dads are super serious about their lawns.

Nope, dog piss still smells like piss. Doesn’t normally matter except in places where it never rains. There are some stinky dog parks in California.

anyway, here’s a great remix of everyone’s favorite WSJ cartoon



Yup, seems some think that way too :joy: Reddit post below from someone else, not me…

Yeah… I live here and literally no one gave a shit.

How’s this?

I’m a dog walker. I implemented new restrictions and best safe practice for me and the owners whose pups I look after. Stay big distance, no group walks etc etc.

There’s a dog agility park which is great for the dogs to exercise I sometimes go to. Everytime i went there, there were people using it as their own outdoor gym. The actual outdoor gym had been roped up so no one could use it… so they used the dog park. Particularly a group of people doing yoga. In the centre. On the grass. In a cluster. No distancing. No masks nothing.

They complained that I shouldn’t be exercising the dog there…

I said its a dog park. The hoops are shaped like a dogs face. i said fine, but i hope you wash your yoga mats when you go home, because its not just dogs who piss and shit a…ll over this park, there’s rats too! Enjoy a healthy dose of salmonella along with your covid!

This is theoretically true but in practice, the “full self drive” beta testers reported that it improved during the beta test period, which would seem to contradict the idea that Teslas just logging data while driving has been super helpful. How much data is actually sent back to home base? I can’t believe Teslas are uploading hours of high-def camera recordings.

Waymo reported only 21 disengagements over those 625K miles, while it seems like virtually everyone who has been beta testing Teslas has a disengagement story. Tesla’s disengagement rate must be through the fucking roof, but we don’t know because they don’t do any autonomous testing. Because they’re not actually making autonomous cars. The self-drive feature is a toy.

Also, a hearty LOL APPLE:

Apple, which has been working on its own secretive car project for years, reported driving 18,805 miles, more than doubling its mileage in 2019. The tech giant also reported 130 disengagements, up from 64 the previous year.

NextDoor is a great way to know who not to talk to in your area.