**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

@moderators, maybe this is a poll that should be put up as an announcement?

Absolutely. Was already going to post an OP this weekend inviting participants.

If you will make the OP, I will make it into a Banner announcement.

But first I suppose are there any considerations for privacy and measures to accommodate them?

We could all pick surrogate cam girls and share the love that way.


Goddammit, my primary TV needs replacing. Severe shadowing on the left quarter of the screen, plus lesser shadowing on the entire right half. I have a white screen up to test it and only the second quarter (left to right) is totally white.

This was a warranty replacement two years ago, so yay. First I had a Vizio that started having shadowing problems. Fortunately, it’s like the one thing I ever bought an extended warranty on (Costco), so it was just within the five years. This Samsung is the replacement. Lasted two fucking years.

I’m eyeing a 55" TCL 6-Series for $650. Wirecutter likes that line as far as bang for the buck goes. I’m not in the market for a $2,000 TV.

EDIT: The silver lining of the original Vizio getting replaced is that it is still good enough to use, so I moved it up to my home office.

Here in the UK which.co.uk does independent tests of tons of stuff…

Filtering by 55" shows these Best Buys…take yer pick:

Have an LG myself that I’m still thrilled with, and they do less snooping than Samsung.

ETA Belongs in the Recommend me a thing thread


I have a 42" Toshiba TV I got for Pokerstars points way long ago. I actually gave it away 8 years ago but it came back when I moved back to Utah last year. Works ok but I’m not a discerning viewer.



Any link that says “help” means if you need help, don’t click here.


My last amazon order never came :(

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“Contact Us”

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Might be fixable. Sometimes it’s just a bad board and they can be relatively inexpensive and easy to replace.

This article about TCL TVs just came across on Slashdot yesterday:

Not sure how real/serious the security issue is, or if you care about it (some do, some don’t), but if you want you can read up and factor it into your decision-making.

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So this is the local Trump house in my neighborhood:

Let’s play a game:

  1. How many vehicles are parked in the driveway?
  2. How many are pick up trucks?
  3. How many vehicles have obvious aftermarket work done on them?
  4. How many vehicles are in the garage?
  5. At least one of the vehicles is not a pick up truck, what is the model?
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  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. All
  4. 0
  5. Old muscle car


  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 4 (the pick up trucks obv)
  4. 0 (all storage and left open - lol)
  5. A prius, I have questions.

I’m not well-versed in Flag Code, but I know that an upside-down US flag is a HUGE offensive deal to some people

it a signal of distress. seems to be coopted for political statements relatively recently. although i am not sure, perhaps same thing happened in 70s and 80s.

I think we’ve learned that substantially all of the allegedly sacred principles in the conservative political movement are, to put it mildly, complete bullshit.