Yep totally reasonable.
I grew up in a gun culture as a teenager and now live in a country almost void of them. I know plenty of hunters and you wouldn’t catch them dead using a semi-auto for hunting. Lever and bolt action rifles were the norm. It’s those responsible gun owners providing cover for bad faith actors exploiting them for their own gain.
I feel more comfortable when I’m not around guns than when I am and isn’t even close. I’m happy that even most cops in the UK don’t carry them and don’t need to.
lol u r dum
“Let’s ban guns.”
“No way that’s crazy!”
mass shooting
“Sigh… Ok that guy used an assault rifle, let’s just ban assault rifles then maybe?”
“Why do you guys always mention assault rifles, they’re not the problem!”
you stupid motherfucker
It reminds me of that thing David Dunning once said to Justin Kruger:
“LOZL get a load of this fucking idiot.”
I know 20-30 hunters. I have only talked about gun control with 7 of them (2 brothers, 2 sisters, 1 brother in law, 2 nephews). Literally all of them are OK with gun control. This is a super small sample size obviously and it’s possible they lied to me about their true feelings because they know my politics. That being said I think maybe one of them own a hand gun. The rest own a rifle, shotgun, and bow.
I think the majority of hunters don’t participate in any kind of gun control debate. They probably don’t really follow politics, just like the majority of Americans.
If you want to make the argument we are all complicit because we are all not protesting everyday until something changes maybe I can get on board with that.
Edit: gun control is really vague. They are ok with banning automatic and semi automatic rifles and are not in favor of teachers carrying guns in schools. We haven’t really had a bunch of nuanced conversations though.
You guys keep using the term hunters but I prefer animal murderers.
That should go for all meat eaters then hunters or not.
Hunting at least forces you to confront your murderous ways in a more honest and direct way.
Seriously though, I think bolts are fine and could actually be considered a useful tool in some cases like living on a farm or in the country. Disclosure: I might be a little biased from my days of 360° no-scoping fools with the Mosin-Nagant.