there we go with the WON"T YOU THINK OF THE DICTATORS
lol explain
she’s not shiny
got some base on os
I’m not sure why but maybe her eye makeup?
Ok, go Kamala. Finish her!!!
she looked great just then that big smile
loving this from Kamala
Tulsi not really worth anyone’s time, she’s polling at like 1%
lol hell yeah, Kamala spilling the fucking tea.
I guess you would have to define benefiting your community.
Being a good contractor probably benefits a community and a lot of them are self employed.
Or owning a local barber shop benefits the community.
I may just be misunderstanding the point you are trying to make.
Can we just give Tulsi and Kamala some Crossfire-esque show that airs at like 4 in the morning and have them otherwise get out of politics forever?
Yang officially last to speak, if he gets to speak at all
Kamala gonna win the debate again and it’ll mean nothing in two weeks again right?
Who came up with these stupid rules that allow 100 people in the debate?
Wasn’t Kamala drunk during the last debate?
I haven’t checked Yang twitter yet but I’m sure they are going nuts.
Kamala already showed weakness in the 2nd debate. There’s no way to recover from that.
Alphabetical order is an MSNBC conspiracy to silence Yang imo.