November Democratic Debate Tread

Nah it’s not that crazy of a theory tbh

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hey dog, how’s your neck? hope ur in tip-top shape

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When is the real debate with Joe, Liz, Bernie, Pete, and choose one of Kamala, Cory, Klob, or Andrew?


Can you do more stoned/sleep deprived tweets? :heart:

dunno how that schedule works. we’ll have our nominee by when?

Honestly, the real story was how little the candidates brought up Trump, which is good for Dems. That’s how they won big in the midterms, by addressing bread-and-butter issues.

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It’s now a normal crack instead of a crunch so progress?

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Search: cliffs topic:636 → No results.

Did anything significant happen?


Warren wants more people in the military

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Here’s a question that probably only my warped mind would ever ask… Did Mayor Pete’s handlers tell him not to shave so he’d look more manly for the homophobic crowd? I mean, why else would you go up on stage during a nationally televised event and have a 5 O’Clock shadow? He couldn’t have ran an electric razor over his face in makeup?

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congrats @Cactus, you just warp leveled-up!

it’s no shave november, he took all month for that man


I basically never second-guess gay dudes on matters of fashion. Maybe he wants to win over Gen-X slackers.

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I’m not gonna lie. I liked Warren’s closing statement

Please drop out Klobs

Also FU Chris Matthews, go work for Fox News

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fuck stubble shamers

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Not gonna lie, I thought it was a bad look on Pete but I’m not the guy to ask about fashion.

I didn’t notice the stubble. I was too lost in his eyes.