1t. Liz and Bernie
3. Yang
4. Booker
VP: Castro
1t. Liz and Bernie
3. Yang
4. Booker
VP: Castro
uh, harris you lost those fights?
Biden: “Look up my website in the Yellow Pages.”
Lollll Kamala baby you were never on the side of the people when you were shovin’ em in jail
In terms of who had the best night
Dammit, I was going to tack on a Biden addendum, “You can Bing my website.”
lol u guys are too funny
it comes with an AOL cd
“Please help”
Corey Booker, closing statement
Mayo Pete sure likes talking about black people.
Exactly where I am at. Castro seems like a natural VP for Liz or Bernie
Unironically I think Klob and Booker had the best nights relative to their previous standing, but I’m not sure it will matter
fuck this, they didn’t all used to do this website at the end of their statement shit?
Lol @ GOPete campaigning for the votes of cultists. Good luck with that, buddy
In the eyes of an angel…
Fuck me, Bernie GOATing it.
This would be excellent. Let him bring that fire to the VP debate especially.
Bernie didn’t say he’s against ageism.
Credit where credit is due, HRC did it first