New Moderator Confirmation Votes: superuberbob, MrWookie, catfacemeowmers, Riverman, and SenorKeeed

I voted no on bob because he told me to. If confirmed it will be an impressive confirmation of someone actively campaigning against themselves.


More that he is trolling 95% of the time.

Edit: I voted yes on bob because I wonā€™t be pushed around.

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For reference, can one of the mods post the current mod group and the date that their terms end?

Is there any view from the current mod team about the ideal number of additions that would be good for this term?

Having more than 4 or 5 at once seems a little redundant. Thereā€™s barely enough mod actions that need to occur now and itā€™s usually flare ups on Fridayā€™s.

You mean you donā€™t need a team of 7 mods to keep order in a forum with 100 active users?

It is redundant, obviously, but the more moderators the better, as it keeps one person from being the face of moderation.

Wellā€¦at least heā€™s never defended Stalin. I vote yes.

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The current group of moderators, their appointment date, the end of their term, and their next eligible re-election date is as follows:

@otatop: Appointed 7/18/2021. End of term 3/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 5/1/2022.

@Rugby: Appointed 7/18/2021. End of term 3/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 5/1/2022.

@Tilted: Appointed 10/28/2021. End of term 5/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 7/1/2022.

@CanadaMatt3004: Appointed 10/28/2021. End of term 5/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 7/1/2022.

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My suggestion is that everyone should vote yes/yes or no/no on Wookie/keeed. I could see how having the two of them work together for the betterment of the forum could be a positive, but I donā€™t think supporting one over the other is a good thing. Iā€™m voting yes/yes for now, but may change before voting is complete.

Also, my no vote on riverman isnā€™t a negative. Iā€™d rather save him for a future term when we donā€™t have as many volunteers. So in summary, I am currently yes on catface/Wookie/keeed. No on riverman/bob


I agree and encourage everyone who voted for me and against wookie to reconsider their votes one way or another.

I read the ATF thread recently over there and the Ron Paul stuff was brought up wrt racism and Keed. Though I donā€™t care and he probably has changed and I donā€™t mind his posting at all, itā€™s weird some people went so hard at Ikes and wanted him gone but want Keed for mod.

No one wants to ban ikes.

People that have left wanted him gone once they found out who he was.

Iā€™ve given it great consideration, but no thanks.

Keeedā€™s stuff was 12 years ago. Keeed has owned up to his posts and recognized how much racism was wrapped up in the Paul movement. The other guy has told us all that he hasnā€™t changed and any issues with his posts were our problem.

Before this turns into a shit show keep this about the moderators up for vote and not other members please.


Heā€™s never stopped keeeding. FWIW, I donā€™t think heā€™s a primary source of forum rancor largely because the regs have gotten used to what he does and donā€™t bite the cheese very much.

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Iā€™ll just point out the you and people like you will never get into specifics on this.

go on

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