National Basketball Association - 2023/24 Season

goat calculator v3

input how important (from 1-10) various stats/awards/etc. are for you and it gives you your nba goat list.

mine went jordan, lebron, kareem, duncan, magic

Lebron, Kareem, MJ, Duncan, Kobe. Nick Wright would approve.

Biggest WTF for me was Garnett at 9.

Lebron, Kareem, Duncan, Jordan, Wilt.

Also had a WTF Garnett at 9.

In a blind ranking I would have wilt and Magic higher I think.

got bron/MJ/Wilt/Kareem/Durant(?)

I’m a MJ>Bron guy tho

10th is … chris paul? alright I clearly filed a wrong list of criteria here he’s above duncan lmao

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John Havlicek at 14 woah.

LeBron, Kareem, Shaq, Wilt, Hakeem.

Happy with that

Even as a Lakers fan, I find Kobe at #5 to be absurd.

If you weight championships a lot then it makes sense.

Anything that puts Kobe in the top ten is flawed.


He’s #1 when ranked by names you yell when throwing a crumpled ball of paper in the wastebasket, though.


He’s #1 in who I yell out when something crashes and burns.



Robert Horry top 10

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Wemby and Chet highlights <3

if Chet doesn’t get broken in half he’s going to be a fun player to watch. Wemby too, obviously.

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Mavs lost to Real Madrid

I’d be surprised if Kyrie plays for the Mavs considering his recent twitter/instagram posts and his tendency to double down.

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What did Kyrie do now?

This is a good example of Bill Simmons’ Tyson Zone. Nothing you reply with would surprise me.

I realize lol preseason but I continue to stand by this take from a year ago:

It’s not fair for someone that fast to be that good of a shooter.

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