National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

We need joey ingram to investigate this

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Lakers are legit going for 0-82 and I’m here for it :leolol:


lol Hawks

That’s an all time highlight reel play for Luka. So sick. I thought the spin move was cool.

Bucks have a weird schedule to start the season. Opened on the road, as usual, then six in a row at home. Played on Saturday, don’t play again until Wednesday, when they have three games in four days.

What’s crazy is it ended up a 5 point game.

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Lol look at lakers


Happy to admit I was completely wrong about being disappointed in this trade.

“I feel like this is an interview of trying to set me up to say something. I can tell that you guys are in the whole ‘Russell Westbrook category’ right now,” James said three questions into his postgame news conference. “I don’t like to lose. I hate to lose at anything. I don’t care what happens throughout the course of my season or throughout the course of my career, I hate to lose. And especially the way we had this game. But give credit to Portland.

“You guys can write about Russ and all the things you want to try to talk about Russ, but I’m not up here to do that. I won’t do it. I’ve said it over and over. …That’s not who I am.”

But whether it’s his airballed threes or his missed layups or bad turnovers, the mistakes are just so glaring and they’re compounding day over day making things even tougher on him and the team.

Following the Lakers’ loss to the Warriors, Westbrook said he “absolutely” believed changing his preparation routine by coming off the bench contributed to a preseason hamstring issue.

Thursday, he was caught on film confronting a heckling fan after the Lakers lost to the Clippers and he missed all 11 of his shots.

So the Lakers got classic RWB, as everyone suspected. Bad play, bad shooting, excuses, and lashing out. Good luck with that. LOL LAL.

This is nuts:

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I know, I did it in paint. The original was a couple posts above.

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I’ll allow it

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Mitchell has been playing very well so far. I was a huge detractor of him, but so far he has put up a fairly complete game. Hope it keeps up.

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Is McZion playing yet or what’s going on exactly?

He was doing really well then had a really bad fall following a fast break attempt. Just out with a bruised hip, probably back this week.


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I’ve missed studio segments that are basically “Who should we rag on more, who STINKS more: Westbrook or Simmons?”

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Kangz get right tonight

Luka v the Nets right now is hot!