National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

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I know this isnā€™t the NBA but just had to be posted

Context of the late timeout? Why would that upset a coach?

Particularly absurd because apparently Michigan was down by 20 with a minute left and had their starters in going for a full court press against Wisconsinā€™s backups. This led to a quick turnover and thatā€™s when the timeout was called.

Hasnā€™t Howard gotten into shit before Iā€™m his coaching tenure?

Hereā€™s another angle with audio. I can hear Gard saying something like, ā€œYou were pressing.ā€ But right before Howard swings someone says something that ends in, ā€œyour ass is going to jail,ā€ and itā€™s extremely hard to say but thereā€™s something that sounds similar to the n-word in there right before that line.

I love how players and coaches (and fans) get so butthurt over stupid shit. Taking a timeout is like pissing on someoneā€™s grave. Smiling about hitting a homer is akin to executing a baby.

Unless you can clearly hear it, seems pretty weak to suggest it.

Not to mention, flushing millions down the drain seems pretty dumb just because some asshole drops an n bomb.

I like how he says ā€œdonā€™t fucking touch meā€ā€¦while they are in a handshake line.

The All-Star Game score is 94-93.

At the half.

Guy definitely loveddd to mix it up and inflame situations as a bench warmer for the heat towards the end of his career.

Turned it on just in time to see Jordan introduced at halftime to huge cheers. He looks slimmer than he has, or has an exceptional tailor.

I know defense is not a priority but come on dudes are essentially walking and dribbling into layups

Curry is fucking ridiculous. Absolutely insane.

lmao they doubled him in an all star game

if heā€™d hit the half-courter then that would have been the most rando of my top twenty sports memories

Iā€™m waiting for Jokic to do a midair through the legs dunk, give the man some space

I know its an allstar game but this is absolutely ridiculous lol

Have you guys just never watched the all star game before? The last year they did East vs West the final score was 192-182.