National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Richard Jefferson on NBA Hazing.

It’s about god damn time.

I’m not a doctor, but sounds not ideal

Cant imagine MJ giving any useful advice tbh


“Be better”

Try baseball!

don’t gamble on the sport if it can publically get out there

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he hasn’t won a championship since lamelo has been alive, chess mate MJ the game has changed and absolutely nobody is arguing your prime would even more destroy the game now because there’s no hand checking or defense half the time

You should check out the MJ vs LeBron thread in 22. You can find that argument and others that are even worse.

The Cavs currently have the best odds at winning the Eastern Conference and reaching the Finals:

Might be exaggerating but i wouldn’t be surprised if Zion never plays in the NBA again.

This is one of those things like Nate’s model predicting Brazil was 60+% to win the World Cup, where it’s time to question the model.

That said, happy to book bets if anyone thinks Cleveland is winning the East.

I’m sure this is going to sound super hindsighty but I always had a bad feeling about Zion. He just seemed too big to do what he does. A lighter Zion likely would have done better imo.

Not about to put money on it, but the prediction is based on part that the Cavs have played the hardest schedule so far and have the easiest schedule remaining.

Who’s to say they won’t be this year’s Hawks of last year.

They’re not. This is one of those things where a model is spitting out a result that everyone knows is wrong and absurd. The Cavs are more likely to be in the draft lottery again than they are to win the East.

There were some weird early results that caused the standings to be a mess early on, but as we get further into the season they’re getting closer to where they are expected. If you want to know what Cleveland’s true chances are, check out the betting lines on them.


I have no expectation they will reach the finals, much less win them. Nor did the Hawks last year by the way. But they did play and finish well above preseason expectation. As the Cavs have been.

We’ll just have to see how the season unfolds the rest of the way.

Good chance the Cavs have the rookie of the year, so definitely some things to be excited about there. Brooklyn and Milwaukee are legitimately elite teams though. Chicago and Miami are likely to be the main challengers that could pose a real threat in a playoff series to those two, maybe Philly if they are able to trade Simmons for something of value.

Foot injuries / problems have a long history of victims.

When healthy the cavs have crushed the spread all year so far

the Cavs don’t have the best chance but they are better than the books think they are. Only just now have some books realized they are better than the pacers are. That’s obvious.

They’ve actually played a harder schedule than you think they have, finally playing worse teams now.

I’ve posted repeatedly to bet the Cavs until the books figure it out. Barring injury they’re going to make the playoffs.