National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Hard sell for me

Pretty much always been 1. Magic 2. Oscar, then you can start arguing over guys like Stockton, Paul, Nash, Isiah. I’d say now it’s 1. Magic 2. Steph 3. Oscar with Steph still very live to be #1 by the end of his career.

Steph is definitely the GOAT scoring PG.

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Scott Skiles

Inch for inch would have to be Muggsy Bogues.

the wnba is unwatchable garbage but the nba is great professional basketball

in reality


Spud Webb says hello.

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big shot bob had a few too many big meals

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He was never exactly svelte.

Lol, I am an Angry Old Guy shaking my fist at this and bemoaning fundamentals.

I watched basketball from about the time Jordan became a thing (before the Bulls were good, but when he was obviously the best player). My favorite basketball of all time was probably very late 80s, Pistons/Blazers finals, all that. One of my favorite thought exercises is injecting 1988 Bill Laimbeer into the modern game. He would have committed about 4 flagrants in the course of that 40s clip, just brutally taking out someone anywhere near the rim. These kids these days they are soft!

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Kings nation represent!

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I got into the NBA at the tail end of the warriors dynasty run. I must say I really wish I had someone like Steph to root for on my team. That guy is so fun to watch.

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Pretty cool they let Westbrook mow their lawns.

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I got to see mugsey and manute play together in person. Was crazy.


It’s a shame that you missed the Reggie Miller era. He had a bit of Steph in him.

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Yup. A brewery I go to has old pacers playoff games playing sometimes so I’ve watch a few games of Reggie just going off. Maybe one day!

I think Reggie Miller had a much higher Entertainment Above Replacement if you include his taunting and trash talking.

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holy fuck isiah stewart was about to murder lebron

bron cheap shot him in the face

he came at the king

more views

both ejected, one might never see the light of day


Lebron going full Laimbeer in detroit right after a post in here crowing how the kids are soft these days.

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I don’t know about full-Laimbeer. I’ll give him half-Laimbeer. The OG Laimbeer would have done a lot more damage with a cheap shot.

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This is exactly right. Lebron is a fine basketball player, but he is no Bill Laimbeer. Laimbeer didn’t need to build a super team in Miami to get a ring!

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