National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

That’s a good one, his extension was a stretch candidate before it even kicked in.

Wall was at least good and young when he signed the max. Contract only became terrible due to injury.

I feel maxes like Wiggins, Barnes, Chandler Parsons, etc. are worse since they made no sense when signed.

Man Wall was the most fun I’ve had watching a player at Kentucky (Brow was clearly better and close to as much fun). Despite being a 5x all-star, man it felt like he should have still been more of a star.

Wasnt bad this year tbf.

Wall wasn’t that good when he signed it. Wiz were afraid to lose him when he wasn’t good enough to be the best player on a title team. He held off on signing his extension until Washington paid Otto Porter.

I’m pretty sure that extension was panned by the analytics crowd when it was signed.

I agree it wasn’t a good contract when he signed it and the analytics showed he was overrated and not a star. That said, he was still a pretty good player the year before he signed it, even if not worth a super-max.

The distinction I was trying to draw was with guys that weren’t even good players when they signed a max.

It’s still a team bidding against itself for a massive overpay because it’s paranoid about losing a good but not great player for nothing. I think teams need to be more willing to risk an unrestricted free agent walking in that spot.

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Best hype video for a #54 draft pick:

The Lakers are perfectly positioning themselves to win the 2011 NBA title


Shades of when the Lakers added Karl Malone and Gary Payton.

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Fond memories of the 2004 Pistons.


We have enough data now that the mapping for GOATs onto WOAT GMs is an order-preserving bijection.

lol, Celtics bring back Penis Cancer. Can IT be far behind?

Kemba appears to be going back to his hometown of NYC after a buyout from the Thunder. I understand he hasn’t been a top top PG in the league but it’s cool to see him going back to play at MSG.

I’ll never not post this if given the opportunity. I bought my tickets for the BE championship game 10 minutes after he hit that because I knew we weren’t losing the semifinal game.

Kemba was completely untouchable during that BE and NCAA run. The whole year really. Really fun to watch.

Seems like we don’t get dominant college players like that very often anymore. Like, in a 5 year stretch we had Morrison at Gonzaga, Jimmer, Kemba, Steph, Blake - just a ton of guys who dropped 30+ regularly and dominated the college game. Now the top prospects are guys who average like 15 and 8

Trae is the last one I remember.

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I’d be ecstatic with 15 and 8.

FSU’s had the #4 pick in the last 2 NBA drafts and those guys put up 10/4/4 and 9/4/1 a game.

Zion was absurdly dominant and shot like 70% from the field lol

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