National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

This is not false.

On the bright side, getting that trade canceled meant they kept DDV and had DJ Wilson to put in the trade for PJ Tucker, so it all worked out swimmingly.

Lonzo traded to the Bulls
Lowry to Miami

Bobby Portis is a Milwaukee legend.


Bobby Bobby Bobby! Love that we are likely going to be able to keep most of (possibly all of) the core together to run it back, and can hopefully add some vet mins hoping to ring chase.

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Welp, not running it back completely. PJ Tucker signed with Miami 2/15.

Make no mistake, the Bucks championship resonates down here in Arkansas with the pride of a native son felt in a state desperate for a ring.

I still maintain that in addition to Bobby leveling up his numbers in your run that he brought some toughness to that team.

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CP3 getting 4/120. Seems crazy at 36. I guess they have to run it back, but that’s going to hurt and pretty soon.

Is it really any crazier than Lowry getting the same $/year? Cp3 is only a year older and the deal only has one more year and cp3 is a lot better than Lowry.

Cp3 gets hurt a lot more though. They likely both fall off tbf.

The Miami deal maybe makes more sense as they are desperate to move back to top tier. Plus, their window is basically now as Butler is already somewhat old (especially considering his milage) and in a few years is going to be on a bad contract himself.

Phoenix has two great young studs and a number of other young solid players, so I could see them taking a bit more of a long term view. I guess CP3 at $30 million isn’t going to kill them, and again, they pretty much have to run it back, but still has to hurt to go 4 years.

Phoenix saved money the next two years also and by the 2023-2024 season 30m is probably like 20 in today’s nba dollars. Plus the Thunder will still be tanking in 1-2 years so they can flip him back to the Thunder with a first for Kemba Walker expiring or whatever the equivalent is.

Who’s the worst player to get a max deal?

Feels like this CBA is unhealthy for competitive balance in the league. Forces teams to vastly overpay for whatever talent they have.

Current players or historically?


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No way would I pay Chris Paul $120M, nor would I pay Luol Deng 8 figures in 2022. Guess that’s why I’m not a real GM.

He was already owed 45m or something for next season so it’s essentially 75m/3 for the last 3 years of the deal.

Eww. Dude is seriously old and always injured though.

Sarver’s not a real owner.

Barnes and Wiggins are similar on O, but on D while Barnes was terrible, Wiggins is a dumpster fire.

I guess a better way to word the question is what are the worst max deals.

Walls 4 years for 170 is amazing. Unofficial league leader in assists.