National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

“That block by Giannis was important, as it saved two points and helped the Bucks win Game 4 of the NBA Finals.”


“The 2nd quarter was the key to the game. It’s always the most important quarter. I guess you can say I know a thing or two about basketball lol.”


Bucks did win Game 3 which everyone knows is one of the two most important games of a series. Hopefully they can win game 5 now too.

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If they win game 5, is the series over? It’d almost have to be if they take the 2 most important games.


If the Bucks win games 3 and 5 but lose games 6 and 7, the NBA need to step in and declare Milwaukee the champions.

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No you have it backwards. Arizona is the state of recounts.

As someone who had the Bucks -4.5, I quite enjoyed that.

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Did they ever show a replay of the block?

lol wtf he needs to take it easy with the pregame Gatorade

The Blazers have not released any details of the team’s inquiry. The team refused to disclose who conducted the research, when it was completed and who the team’s hired investigator spoke to — or whether that investigator interviewed anyone at all. Olshey declined to answer reporters’ questions about the investigation, saying it was “proprietary.”

The team’s review did not obtain information directly from several primary sources, including the accuser.

“It’s news to us that they conducted an investigation,” said Margaret A. Burnham, attorney for Jane Doe.

Fucking Ducey, man.

The insurance salesman went from CP2 to Point God to CPee-Yew!

He gone. Just don’t end up in Philly please.

Lillard to the sixers, Simmons to Minnesota, picks to Portland. Please let it happen, I’d love to see Simmons on the T-Wolves.

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Seems the most likely. I hate it.

Somehow I only found out about this today.

Money corrupts, a lot of money corrupts a lot?