Moving the Biden Administration left

Yeah I think we’ve all gotten used to having a new, substantial, and totally insane leak that would have been the biggest news event of any prior administration in living memory… lined in a rail for us to snort at least twice a week… for four years.

It’s about to seem a lot slower and a lot more boring. I want to resist the urge to think that’s a bad thing.

I’m on board with the possibility that our system of democracy might not be compatible with social media.

It’s also possible that democracy as we know it will evolve to accommodate the demand for direct representation, or if you will democracy by plebiscite.

That’s quite a terrifying thought when you consider the corruption and lies that brought about Brexit, but it was basically a free for all in the new flattened hierarchy of internet social media where outrageous lies carried as much weight in the ideas marketplace as the truth.

Worth remembering that representative democracy only came about because it was impractical for people to travel the distances to vote in ancient Greece. I guess if they’d had internet voting it might never have been invented.

Derail, but this had me looking things up because I got into this in the covid thread. Germany’s first people vaccinated that I can find happened 7 days after the US. Germany currently (yesterday) has vaccinated 2.14% of their population. The US had vaccinated 3.61% of the population 9 days earlier (it’s 6.4% now). I use Germany as an example of a country that one would expect to do this very well. No one other than Israel and UAE are really rolling this out any better than the US. Seems to me like that’s not just because ~everyone is incompetent, but that it’s a hard problem.

And this is kinda related to the issues here. TRUMP BAD MAN leads to things like people all thinking Dems are sooooo much better that of course Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom weren’t to blame for anything. I mean, now it’s getting to be ok to talk shit about them, but in recent times you were a Trump lover if you attributed blame anywhere else.