MOVIES AND TV: Could It Be Made Today?

That movie was considered problematic in its era

back then society was so crude. the people who did find it problematic probably objected that the victims weren’t screaming in joy. they were probably like, “we liked it but you shoulda had the women scream ‘no!’ less”

I know you were in at least one vehicle where a grown man kicked the shit out of a group of high school jocks using the power of karate.

Is that from the little known book of Hi-Ya?

Here’s a good one. Jumping Jack Flash, the Tourette’s scene. Would they have gone another way today? How much would changing that hurt that great scene?

I was in one movie where half of the universe was wiped out in the snap of a finger. Disturbing stuff.

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Did BBQ Man survive the Snap? This is important Marvel lore.

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Were you in the part that was wiped out or survived?


Ok, cool after that Trump thing I thought we were all dead.