Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)


I think most people prefer The Long Good Friday, but imo Hoskins was at his best in Mona Lisa. Still tough, but with more heart than brains.

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That final scene though …


Honestly, no disrespect intended. I know that doesn’t always communicate well online.

You seem to have an affinity for blockbuster movies, particularly IP, that most people dislike. I have a great friend who is the same and my father as well (he is in his 70s so I cut him some slack).

For example, Star Wars 9 and the new Ghostbusters were, imo, very poor movies. For Star Wars 9 I was in a movie theater and I’ve seen all other eight of them in the theater so I stuck it out. I’ve never walked out of a theater during a bad film. Closest I came was with my wife and we were watching Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland movie. It took a lot to get through that one. We throw the word slog around lot to describe a show or movie that takes everything we have to sit through. Alice was the sloggiest of slogs.

Ghostbusters I watched at home and I had to get up and do other tasks while it was one. If I had to sit on the couch and watch the whole thing I don’t think I could have done it. The eyerolling may have serious impaired my ocular nerve :roll_eyes:

So when you say “Nah, it was cool” about SW9, I’m perplexed. You seem like a smart guy, an extremely cool dad - all that good stuff - but that movie was just so shitty I have no idea how you find the good it in. You have a godlike tolerance for those movies.

I just know how to sit back and be entertained. I have fun with the well done, fun stuff, and don’t nit-pick and critique everything. With Star Wars and Ghostbusters, in particular, they did a nice job on the nostalgia and bringing the story into a new age. Were they perfect? I don’t particularly care. They were fun and that was cool with me.

Similarly, with TV shows, I don’t sit there and grade every fucking episode. Not everything is going to be an A+. Oh no, episode whatever of season something of Breaking Bad isn’t going to reconfigure my DNA and be the last thought I have before I meet god. I don’t take myself so seriously.

So yeah, Star Wars 9 was cool. Was it as good as 1 or 2? No. Was it an all-time great, Oscar-worthy film? No. Was it cool? Sure was.

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Are you typically watching movies with your kid(s)? My son loves every movie he sees, so when we see one together it greatly enhances my enjoyment and enables me to see the good.


I had forgotten about this film and am impressed it came out in 1986. Hoskin’s lesser roles pretty much disappeared in my mind after seeing this.

Can’t wait to rewatch this. Gonna bring back the nostalgia of the early IFC days with no commercials or Chuck Norris.

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Omg this is a thing. Especially if you’re an empath.

Company dependent film reviews would be a cool study.

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The fan service can definitely be an issue for me and I thought is was especially egregious in Ghostbusters. However, I do like some if it. There was plenty of it in The Force Awakens and I still enjoyed that movie so I don’t know exactly where the line is for me.

In the Better Call Saul finale people were complaining about Marie showing up but I thought it was great she was there and I was happy to see that character again.

There is a point when the fan service or nostalgia is so over the top it becomes the focus and that’s where the movie/show loses me. A little in the right place can definitely work for me and elicit some feels - especially if it moves the story forward and the plot doesn’t get bogged down in nostalgia.

The big blockbusters, yes. I actually enjoyed the Star Wars prequels much more when I watched them with my kids (which was several years ago now, so they were pretty young) because I took them less seriously. Midichlorians was some straight-up bullshit, though.

dlk9s jr and I just watched Idiocracy recently - we watched the Dr. Lexus scene multiple times. BCS finale on tap for tonight. He’s obsessed with the BB/BCS universe.

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This is why movies that sneak up on you are a category by themselves.

There should be a film channel that always surprises you with no listings. Also, you can’t watch the next film until you’ve completed the last one. Could totally set the stage for a new viewing experience with ZERO HYPE OR PREJUDICE.

Pretty insane how well Top Gun: Maverick has performed at the box office. It’s in the top 10 all time domestic grosses (not adjusted for inflation), and could end up over $700MM in its initial run.

Haven’t watch a movie in a while and last night I saw the new Jurassic Park.

Spoiler Alert: A dinosaur chases people and right before they’re about to get eaten there is a plot twist and they’re able to get away for a few minutes.

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It’s freaking awesome so makes sense. A million times better than the cgi infested marvel stuff.

Star Wars 9 isn’t entertaining though. It’s one of the worst big budget / tentpole IP films I’ve ever seen. Like, it’s a jumbled mess that tries to retcon the only good sequel.

It’s freaking bonkers that Titanic is still top 10 all time not adjusted for inflation.

While there were some interesting ideas, that they made the rebels/resistance like 20 people in the galaxy by the end was so dumb I hated it.

My son is big into dinosaurs so we rewatched the original Jurrasic Park. Holds up so so well.

Went to a friend’s house last night who has a daughter that’s super into dinosaurs. Feels like they invented a few hundred new ones since I was in first grade.

Episode VIII was such a disaster that it turned me off entirely, didn’t even bother seeing the final one.

I actually kind of liked Episode VII. I’m still kind of mad that they had the entire cast of The Raid on set and we didn’t get one bitchin martial arts scene, that is a weird pet peeve of mine. Otherwise that movie had some good things going for it.

idk why these lists are never adjusted for inflation? Of course last year’s blockbuster is going to be up there if you don’t adjust for that, that’s not very interesting.