Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

As I think I posted when I watched it, I expected it to be bad and it was worse than I expected. It was really bad.

I didnā€™t think it was good either and was mystified when people would say otherwise. I guess nostalgia is hell of a drug.

Also I didnā€™t think Dave Grohl was the right guy for a big cameo in the movie. The cameo really should have been some guitar god from the 80s. Maybe even a complete has-been 80s rocker would have been more amusing

Yeah, David Lee Roth is a much much better casting there than Grohl

Yeah IDK, I thought it might be passably fun given the rating. Even the audience rating was in the Fresh zone.

Amazing how interminably long it managed to seem with a 93 minute runtime. Like an hour in I was like ā€œwhy is this not starting to wrap up, we must be nearly at the endā€¦ pauses to checkā€¦ HALF AN HOUR LEFT, are you fucking kidding meā€.

The HBO Doc on January 6 had some issues, but the footage is harrowing. That day and the subsequent inability to convict Trump or expel the other seditionists from Congress was probably the final death knell for democracy in the US.


The footage from the tunnel battle was fucking intense. Im honestly shocked that big guy saved the cop from a lynching.

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+1, that was riveting stuff.

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Yea I donā€™t know how he escaped with a ā€œmildā€ heart attack and TBI. They were out for blood.

It seems like has massive PTSD as well which isnt surprising. I get why a number of them have committed suicide. The people you work to protect turned against you and tried to kill you. The current worst of humanity looked you in the eye and wanted you dead, and they are your countrymen.

I havent reconciled myself how to live any kind of social life within a population that could be 40% sociopathic.


Naya Rivera in her last acting role in a DC animated movie asā€¦ a white Selina Kyle is certainly a take. If only that character has a history of not being white :thinking:

Rewatched ā€œvertigoā€ in a theater, in an almost empty room (hard to believe that in a big city less than 10 people would want to spend a weekend afternoon going to that). I didnā€™t remember how clear the film was about its main character being an asshole in the second part (when judy begs him to like her for who she is and heā€™s just like ā€œhmm your hair is the wrong colorā€ thatā€™s so brutal). Anyway probably doesnā€™t need to be said but on top of being a great description of an obsession itā€™s also a perfect movie formally. Especially the first half is non-stop amazing shots and the music is perfect. If you ever get the chance to see it on a big screen I highly recommend it.

Also went for ā€œpigā€ with Nic Cage as a ā€œman with a pastā€ looking for his lost pig. Nice twist on the genre with chefs and truffle salesmen instead of the usual gangsters and mafia bosses. Even though it is somewhat forced to be parodic at times given the subject, it is mostly played straight and sincere with its emotions, and Cage gives a very restrained performance (not sure thatā€™s the best choice for him tbh but itā€™s done well). Nothing groundbreaking but quite likable so if youā€™re into NC and/or cooking Iā€™d give it a watch.

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This looks incredible, but itā€™s not streaming anywhere yet.

Nic Cageā€™s financial situation has put him in a place where he canā€™t turn down any role whatsoever. This is kind of sad but the upshot is that we get to see him lend his talents to some legitimately great indie projects like Pig and Mandy. Also, we get dozens of hilariously bad low-budget action movies that will keep Rifftrax/The Flop House in business for years to come.

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Well would you also doubt the manā€™s own words ? :grin:

No kidding at this last sentence lol

Full interview
(contains some spoilers for the film)

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So I had a dream that was basically an entire movie and I need to know if it was a movie that exists or if I just wrote a movie in my sleep.

So the protagonist was a girl who moves across the country to start a new life, she moves to a rich persons coastal elite playground (think marthas vinyard etc) to work as a waitress, the one day she sees a sailboat in trouble in the water and swims out to save the people and finds a guy already there. Together they save the rich family and are hailed as heroes and given a huge reward from the rich couple they saved. She starts dating the guy, a working class dude who has lived in the town all his life and his dad worked at the drydock and is trying to teach him, they are loving life but one day theyā€™re out on a date and they see another boat struggling in the water. They rush to help but itā€™s not enough and someone dies. Anyway it turns out that the guy is purposely sabotaging the boats so that he can save the rich folks and get the rewards. I canā€™t remember the ending but obviously things deteriorate after she finds that out.

I saw it all so clearly and in like movie scene form. No idea if itā€™s something Iā€™ve seen or if I made it up. Any ideas?

That sounds pretty cool. No idea if something like that exists - Iā€™m guessing it does in some form, but who knows?

Iā€™ve had a movie idea in my head for a couple years, but couldnā€™t figure out the details beyond the beginning and end. My wife just told me she read that Disney stole it from my brain and is making basically the same thing. Shit.

Jfc. Spoiler alert.


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New Bond movie:

The plot of a Bond movie is all about the villian. After watching the entire 2.5 hour movie, I still have no idea why Mr. Robot wanted to kill everyone or how he got the resources for endless assassins, CIA moles and a private island. His family was killed when he was a child and now heā€™s just a dick?
Iā€™m high and admittedly I got bored and wasnā€™t paying 100% attention, so maybe I missed something, but I think they could have cut half of one car chase to give a little more insight into why the villian wants to kill everyone and how he has billions of dollars and the absolute loyalty of hundreds of people.
Then Bond dies?


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Yeah I sat through this today I had no idea what Malek was even doing there but at least it ended differently than uh every other bond and um ana de armas?