Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Basically this. They also had to shelve it for a year due to covid. Definitely a chance this movie could have lost 100 million.

Thought dune was absolutely fantastic having read the book as a kid and my partner also thought it was absolutely fantastic while having zero exposure to the source material. Between this and br2049 Iā€™m extremely impressed with the director.

You should check out Arrival


Sicario is great too

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I absolutely loved BR2049.
Did not love Arrival.
Sicario was great.
Also quite enjoyed prisoners and enemy.

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Iā€™m rewatching BR 2049 right now after rewatching BR last night, Villeneuve is a brilliant director and I will watch anything he puts out.


Yeah 2049 is way better than a sequel to a 30 year old movie has any right to be

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I was extremely skeptical of BR2049 because BR is one of my top-5 all-time favorite movies, but itā€™s a completely worthy successor. Loving everything this director does.

Right now Iā€™m halfway through Villeneuveā€™s Polytechnique, which is a recreation of a mass shooting incident at a Canadian university. Obv a very different vibe and Iā€™m not totally sold on it so far, but itā€™s an okay watch if you want Villeneuveā€™s take on art-house movies.

So, how faithful is Dune to the NES game?


Iā€™m curious for some context here. Are you a Marvel movie lover, Marvel movie hater, or somewhere in between? Seen all of MCU, seen most, seen some, seen only when obligated?

I kinda thought most of the stuff after the original Avengers was going to suck (ā€œReally, theyā€™re going with fucking Ant Man?ā€), but I enjoyed it for what it was and saw basically everything even while thinking the bottom had to drop out on the super hero genre. But End Game delivered, and the post End Game stuff weā€™ve seen has been fun. Maybe Eternals will be when it finally crashes down?

I know nothing about eternals. The previews donā€™t give the best feeling.

Hoping for the best.

(I donā€™t know MCU from the comic books other than spider and the hulk back in the day, have watched almost all of the movies, like the ones focused more on 1+ primary heroes/villains vs the big group collectives).

That said they are mostly entertaining but forgettable popcorn movies to me.

I know less than you, as I havenā€™t even watched more than the few seconds of previews that play while Iā€™m scrolling past. But I didnā€™t know much about Ant Man, and Paul Rudd was pretty good at it. I didnā€™t even think Thor would be all that compelling, but his evolution as a character through the MCU has been fun. But I was never a comic book guy, and so most of what I knew about the characters was when they had been in prior movies pre-MCU. So I guess what Iā€™m saying is that from my point of view, some things that seemed like theyā€™d be bad ended up delivering, but maybe thereā€™s some extra insight from a MCU fan that Iā€™m missing that indicates this one really will be the one that heralds the end of the franchise.

Did you guys know thereā€™s some Directorā€™s Cut version of Gladiator with a bunch of added scenes?


Iā€™ve stumped for this before but if youā€™re a film fan in general then Jodorowskyā€™s Dune is one of my favorite documentaries of the past decade, and tis the season

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Dune: 5.05/10

Yeahā€¦ looked amazing, but:

-the acting was pretty bad almost across the board. Like Poe Dameron, who should never get to play any soldierly character again, what a juiceless nothing of a performance. Timmy Chamalamadingdong has range but his default sullen boyishness gets tiresome pretty quickly. The baron was a complete greasy waste. Josh Brolin was a clear downgrade from mullet Picard. I liked Jessica and Bautista well enough, but wtf at Stilgar.

-It failed to create any meaningful tension or intrigue either in how it handled the prophecy or how it tried (did it even try?) to depict the politics. I guess they thought it would make it more convoluted, but not having scenes with the emperor was narratively straight stupid. Is it just going to be Dune part 2, hereā€™s your main antagonist now?

-Didnā€™t read the books, so if Paul doesnā€™t see his hand burning in the box then ok, but what the hell, why didnā€™t they show his hand burning? Scene makes no sense with just an extended closeup of his jizzinmypants face.

+I was pleasantly surprised that the fighting choreography and the shields looked pretty good (I was skeptical from the trailer)

+two things I really liked: the Sardaukar dude with the busted face talking before the invasion, and the worm. How do you make a giant ass worm cooler than/different from the original, but they did it, well done.

Generally glad that most fans and new viewers seem to like it, Iā€™m happy about the sequel and look forward to seeing it, although I was personally disappointed with this one. I think this just about ends the debate though. Dune cannot be done as a movie, it must be 8-10 episodes minimum.


Iā€™ve seen them all and more or less like them but more for the ā€œexecution qualityā€ than the superhero genre. I had a feeling the eternals was going to be bloated fartbag when I heard about the casting of jolie and hayek and especially zhao and figured there was no way they would pull it off and the reviews are indicating I was right.

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Since Richard Stanley appears in this doc, Iā€™ll also suggest this one.
Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanleyā€™s Island of Dr. Moreau

Return of the Living Dead is a masterpiece.

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Same. Arrival is like an M. Night Shyamalan movie with better cinematography