Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

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This is how you make a speech!

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Mank with a legit shot at going 0 for 10 tonight.

It’s the favorite for production design, but a pretty significant underdog for everything else.

What are the other two?

I hope Parasite wins again.

Isn’t Best Director usually the second to last award? (Or at least fourth to last?)

This is super early for it.

EDIT: Maybe they just did it now because Zhao was a -3000 favorite.

Hopefully they kill off the new guy in the first 5 minutes if the sequel. His story was terrible. I enjoyed the movie though.

Hearing Riz Ahmed speak in his natural accent is so fucking weird.

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Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always
Small Axe Lovers Rock


Gotta love the French nominees staying up past 3 AM when they have no shot. Respect.


Is this the Oscars thread?

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It was such a weird decision to use a non game character as the main here. I dont understand it at all

“Soul” two white people :joy:

Yeah, we’re watching it here.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

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Unrelated to the Oscars, but when did this meme switch from Arby’s to Wendy’s?


Someone on Twitter did this but I couldn’t tell you who that was

So far gotta say this is a pretty bad snoozefest. They could have done so much to make this unique and instead it’s just the most boring parts of the normal show with weird covid undertones.


Weirdest part is you would have no way of knowing it’s directed by one of the most innovative directors working who loves to play with the medium.

Yeah this is bad in unexpected ways I guess that’s different at least?

It would have been exponentially better with a full auditorium of masked people.