Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Titanic is fun but you are not missing much. Schindler’s List is a must watch film.

For me it’s classic horror films like Halloween.

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Rewatched The Social Network last night. Eisenberg and the movie not winning Oscars vs The Kings Speech looks bad 10 years later.


It’s top 3 Oscar snubs all time. Who has even thought of kings speech since that year.

If that is one snub, and a second one imo would be Crash winning over Brokeback. What rounds out your top 3?

ETA: I forgot that Forrest Gump beat Shawshank and Pulp Fiction. Lol


Driving Miss Daisy won best picture in a year Do The Right Thing wasn’t even nominated.

That sounds bad, but I’ve never seen Driving Miss Daisy, so can’t fully judge how bad a snub it was.

It’s not worth seeing.

In general the Oscars do a terrible job of best picture if the measure is cultural longevity.

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Even worse than Green Book over Blackkklansman.

Green Book turned out to be a movie I enjoyed a fair bit, but it was so cringeingly oscar-baity in parts that I had to look away in shame. It certainly didnt deserve the nod over Blackkklansman

Required viewing imo. Probably one of the most impactful scenes I can remember.


That opening scene when he spreads his money to make himself seen as a man of influence within a single night. Masterful. Feeling in awe at his ability to work the room is in part why we feel grateful for his sacrifice. He could very easily have taken a different path.


I’m such a sucker for eloquent misanthropic cynicism


Biggest Oscar snub is The LEGO Movie not even being nominated for best animated movie. Come at me.


I’m a human being, and I won’t compete for the right to be treated decently.

Didn’t know Kaufman was a filthy lib. Should have guessed from his extreme self loathing :+1:

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LOL Green Book, but it was Roma that got fucked over, not Blackkklansman.

I was underwhelmed by Black KKKlansman.


It is lesser Spike Lee for sure.

Yeah, sure. I was just alluding to this phenomenon:

I have “Inside Man” as his best film. Film has a lot of subtext on top of being the goat bank heist film.

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