Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I haven’t seen it yet but I’m finding it hard to believe he would have been playing himself in Bronson.

Also, Locke is superbly acted.


I’ve always thought this is a weird complaint in general but moreso with Tom Hardy. Most actors are like this, always have been, they can’t all be DDL. But Hardy does a lot more different things than most other actors imo.

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A couple people ITT clearly haven’t seen Locke.


This is the horror movie where they trapped a cameraman inside a car to get a front-side view of Hardy’s acting.

JK never seen it but I’ve heard this one is good… I will give it a shot.

Fun Batman (1989) easter egg during the White House attack scene. It’s not foolproof, but in a pinch any old food tray will serve as a bulletproof vest.

WW84 Batman89 homage

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New WW movie is mega trash

I liked it. How did you like the first one?

ok, just jumping in here to post this epic tweet from Mark Hamill. Only true Star Wars nerds need apply:

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I’m not nerdy enough to understand this

What possible fun can you and your friends even have with power converters??


First one was a pleasant surprise, I enjoyed it.

[nods vigorously]

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang counts as a Xmas movie right?

Either way, GF hasn’t seen it, so hope she likes it as much as I do. Firing it up now. I’m a sucker for Robert Downey Jr, especially when he plays characters like this one.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a perfect Xmas movie!!!

A xpost recommendation for you to check out on Netflix once you finish KKBB.

If you loved Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang for more than Robert Downey Jr, this movie is for you. Relentless hijinks that never feel campy or too far from reality to stop feeling equal parts dangerous and funny. Watch the trailer. This is not a movie that relies on spoilers. It is a delight just to watch.

Perfect also for fans of early Guy Ritchie, eg Lock Stock & Snitch.


Looks like some certified Sam Raimi shit right there.

God damn, Shudder is doing a lot of things right.

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Anybody else seen Scare Me yet?

Could one of you architects explain wtf a light socket is doing up there?