Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

Same. I have a soft spot for Young Guns II, but not the first one. And of course Back to the Future III. But in general, I don’t like them.

Let’s do a watch party if you’re up for it. Such a unique pleasure to participate in someone’s first viewing of a great movie.

I remember enjoying YG2 as a kid but didn’t like BttF 3 even tho the first two are great.

BttF 3 has all of the best jokes though.

Yeah, sure

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Your pony spent too much time checking its shoes


  1. Why did Chigurh kill the two well-dressed men in the beginning? Wouldn’t that be against his code? Is it because they made him ride bitch?
  2. How were the Mexicans waiting to ambush Lewellen at the first motel - but didn’t even notice Chigurh going into Lewellen’s room?
  3. Also why was the door unlocked? Wasn’t Lewellen still renting the room?

Edit: Ok I read a detailed plot summary and understand this now. The Mexicans were in Lewellen’s room and Chigurh rented a different but similar room. I was super confused during that whole sequence because I thought Chigurh was in Lewellen’s room and the Mexicans were next door.

  1. Who gave the Mexicans the other tracking device - the rich office guy? Wasn’t he on the other side of the deal from the Mexicans? Why would he want them to get the money? Or was it different Mexicans?
  2. How is Woody Harrelson supposed to be some kind of uber-cleaner that you send in to clean the cleaner - but an injured Chigurh immediately gets the drop on him and dispatches him w/o incident? Seems like Woody should have been a lot more paranoid?
  3. Why didn’t Chigurh just come kill Lewellen at the hospital and how did Lewellen know he shouldn’t just get the eff out of their immediately after the phone call?
  4. So the Mexicans killed Lewellen then Chigurh came by later after the cops had come and gone? I totally got lost there. Also I didn’t recognize Lewellen lying on the ground and thought he was one of the Mexicans - very confused or a while.
  5. Was Chigurh hiding in the motel room the whole time Bell was in there at the end?

He did it to see if he could.

He wanted to see if he could allow himself to get captured and then escape through force of will. It is this act that he later comes to recognize–as Uncle Ellis says to Bell at the end–to be vanity. The implication is that testing fate will fell even the strongest man. Each time one of our characters has a chance to escape hubris and does not, they are led to significant or mortal injury. It’s only Bell who turns away.

How did Chigurh allow himself to get captured? Wasn’t he being hired by those men, who presumably worked for the office guy?

Getting captured by the deputy happened first, right? And we don’t know how that happened.

Maybe we can just stick to the terrestrial plane at first and save the ethereal themes for once I get the basic facts down. :smiley:

@anon10396289 help me out here.

I don’t quite remember how he let it happen or the timing. It happens before Llewlyn finds the money, but I don’t remember how much earlier.

I’m not quite following the point of having a mega thread AND a thread for each watch party. I get that the latter is so you can make banners, but then why do we need a mega thread? Isn’t the point of a mega thread to reduce clutter? But no clutter is reduced if we also need individual threads, right?

There is no point as I’m figuring it out as I go and don’t think of everything. I don’t intend to have individual and mega threads. Just a mega and then totally separate banners that link to the mega thread.

Ok now I see the right thread. Does Join the Party do anything or just link to Netflix? I can’t log on to Netflix on my computer. But someone loaded it on my Roku with their account once and it still works.

Never seen Rounders believe it or not.

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Using the Party extension ensures you are synced with the rest of us since I am controlling playback.

Otherwise just start as close to the scheduled time as you can and we’ll discuss here.

I wonder if I can trigger the party function from Roku

I have Oreos. I am excite

yes it’s come to this don’t low bar shame me bro


Don’t have a Netflix subscription, but I’ll be watching along.


So if I download the chrome extension, the link you posted will take me to the party room?

Yes. Which will sync your viewing with ours as it will be me controlling playback. But as long as you start at 8:30, you will be more or less synced.

Good timing. A group of buddies are setting up a private poker game online, and we are going to video chat during it.

Is there any way that I can get this to sync through Netflix that I access through my playstation