Movie Night Watch Party Megathread



ohhh fuck the rope killed him haha oh man this kid is like michael meyers with father figures and ropes

Oh hey, that’s the name of the movie


So that’s the current favorite to win best picture…huh…

Great final act saved the movie for me.

Technically well done throughout, but goddamn that first hour could have been like 15 minutes.

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Would be better than 3 of the last 4 winners.

good twist ending, but they could have cut an easy 40 minutes, the slow stuff wasn’t that great. not having any dogs in the movie hurts their chances of winning oscar, i think, because it’s a bit of false advertising if you’re expecting a movie about a dog. also didn’t really care for the acting, cumberbatch’s accent wasn’t great. so it gets 4 bags

Thanks everyone for watching with me.

Maybe we can do this again with Nightmare Alley sometime soon.


Oh it wasn’t bad, but yeah could have used some work on the pacing.

Parasite the exception?

Yeah, definitely.

The Shape of Water was absolute trash (it was a crappy year, but still). Green Book over Roma was downright criminal.

And I have no idea why Nomadland won. Last year was a legitimately good BP year with many options that were better.