Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

Ooh, full nudity. (I hope it’s the type I want to see)

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Alright I’m in


Was worried we were about to the get wrong type already

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Who is that guy?

Feel like I’ve seen him in a lot of things these past few years.

Jesse Plemons. Yeah, been in a bunch of stuff recently. Todd in Breaking Bad might be his most known role.

i bet benefict cumberbatch wishes he had this accent all the time

in this time period, most “wholesome sauces” were 10% opium

breaking bad totally ruined this actor for me. every scene i’m like, “he shot a kid on a bike”

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Never saw Breaking Bad.

He’s most notable to me for being the captain of USS Callister.

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We’re like a fourth of the way through the movie. Anyone else feel like not much has happened?

Yeah agree

Benedict Cumberbatch = Dick
Kirsten Dunst = Hotel owner
Younger Jim Gaffigan = Into Kirsten

That’s literally all that’s happened so far.


i tried to watch there will be blood with my dad once and at around 10 minutes in there still was zero dialogue and my dad walked out

Have you seen Nobody? I think it’s the best action movie since Drive but I love everything Odenkirk is in.


i’m glad to hear that. i thought it was just a cash grab and i was happy for odenkirk to make money but assumed it was terrible

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lol and if you weren’t sure he just beat up a horse

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He also killed a guy in Friday Night Lights, but that was a bit more justified…

punching a horse is a signal to the audience that this character is a bad man

i am a film expert