Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

OK calling an audible, firing up the special edition. Don’t think I’ve seen this version before tbh.

Ok it’s starting now - I only see special edition.

I got the Fox logo - just went away.

Lmk when they taze Ripley

ok I’m back - her eyes just opened after the surgery

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Just tazed her


Perfectly timed

Here comes some of that classic Joss Whedon humor

Breathalyzer is pretty great.

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She’ll breed. You’ll die.

Great line.

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This isn’t some greedy corporation

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Wow young Ron Perlman looks so different.

I have to crank the volume to hear the dialog - then the loud sounds blow me out.

Closed captioning is like 15 seconds ahead. Awesome

Is this a level

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Technology truly sucks

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Black Ron Perlman looks different too

I love whatshisname. Sounds like he came out of the womb chain smoking.