Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

Lets go go go

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Alright, SSC, my favorite warning tag

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Lol, we got an Aquaman fan

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Invisible dicks, itt

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That Maeve truck shot is so good

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I love how steadfastly that guy continues to shoot Homelander.

“This is totally working!”

It’s great. I loved her throwing the guy around inside while we can just hear it and see the dents in the metal.

Fuuuuckkkkk I hate how much they make us instantly love this couple

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This is Meg Ryan and Dennis quaid’s son, right?

Is it??? Must have gotten his acting genes from his mom.

I know, the “Layin cable” talk is so much fun

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Lol, yeah, just looked it up. And yes, ole D Quaid has gotten a lot farther on his looks than his acting ability.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap. DO NOT BESMIRCH BILLY JOEL

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The fucking bones man. and then the hands… Such a great scene. Chills baby

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Did you ever listen to the podcast Yeah, It’s that Bad? Their joke was that Dennis Quaid acts so far beyond anyone else that it only LOOKS like he isn’t acting

Lol, no, I havent, but I will add it to my list.

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Starlight being introduced through Barracuda is an inspired choice.

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So my question is, if Translucent doesn’t disappear, what was the plan to keep the 7 the 7? Were they going to retire The Deep because nobody liked him? Why are they looking for a new The 7 member here?

Awwww Simon Pegg, I love you man. Nice American accent, bro.

To be honest, 45K to a non-family member isn’t bad.