Movie Fight Scenes Draft

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Movie weapon draft might be a fun idea after

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Lucas killing off Darth Maul is all the proof you need that he planned on making Jar Jar Binks a sith.


200 (4)

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I think there’s a better fight scene involving Liam Neeson. I’ve got a feeling no one is going to pick it, but I think it’s amazing.


Never seen it.

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Amazing lol

I just wanted to do a draft I hate action movies so much write a better script my god


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On my way home from the spot. Will make my pick then.

Too many fancy-play picks, not enough classic fight scenes.


This +1000. Some of these picks are insane LOL. I mean, c’mon.


Some dude picked a fight scene from the Star Wars prequels. And not even the good fight scene from the prequels. What the hell.


Don’t worry my dudes. I’m about to lock this draft up and then go deep cuts on my later picks.

Before, you know, the actual trilogy. The one they hold as the Holy Grail of cinema. But nah, let’s pick something from the prequels we love to bitch about!

It’s like a Giants fan picking the game winning play in week 7 as the most exciting play during the 2007 season.

18-1 baby!


I hadn’t watched the Darth Maul fight scene in the longest time, and definitely remember that part being the best scene as a thirteen year old. Rewatching it again, there is a solid minute there where it is cool to see Darth Maul fight off 2 jedi masters with one dual light saber. But then after that it is Darth Maul forcing one on one fights. Maybe there was no good way for Anakin to win that fight, but man than finish felt weak. It’s like if someone in the oldboy scene suddenly found a gun in his pocket and shot dae-su.

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Nothing more to say that this guy didn’t already say.