Movie Fight Scenes Draft

If you want a supreme fight, you need a Supreme Being.


This scene is ELITE. The music is great, Leeloo’s multi-pass lets her kick ass whenever and wherever, and did I mention there’s a blue alien singing techno-opera?

For the second but overall #1 pick of the draft, Team Frisky takes Leeloo Fights the Mangalores from The Fifth Element.


Lol if a single person picks a Jet Li movie

before me

@tabbaker light it up

Yeah this is a facemelter

It’s honestly pretty terrible action wise imo. It’s short, involves next to no effort by the enemy and little athleticism beyond the excessive flipping from the character. It was boring to me.

The music is okay though it diverts rather than adds to the fight. It neither creates excitement nor adds suspense. It isn’t even in step with the action. Seems like the director thought, “It’d be cool if there was opera” and then did it without further thought.

Sorry for shitting on the pick so much. I’m just stunned that it was picked




I remain confident in your approval of my next pick. Never say die!

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Round 1 Pick 3

There is no doubt sword fights are the most badass of all fights. The mastery of the blade leads to beautiful choreography and results in a lot of blood and gore. Why do we love blood and gore? BECAUSE IT’S FUN JAN!

There’s so much violence in this scene it had to be mostly in black and white to keep an R rating. The switch from B&W to lights out is visually stunning. The crazy martial arts flips add another level. Did I mention how many people she’s fighting at once?

This is all done by a single strong woman seeking revenge on those that wronged her. If you don’t support this as the best fight you’re a misogynist.


@Nicholasp27 is on the clock

I :heart_decoration: Kill Bill so much; good pick

There are certain scenes that are obvious and super famous and “value” here but I’m gonna go with one of my favorites that I’d be disappointed if I didn’t get.

Both fighters deserve a Sportsmanship award
Both are top sword fighters who studied for years
Both can banter while fighting at a high level
And both can fight well with their left hand


@superuberbob is up

Would have been my fourth round pick. Happy to have been sniped.

I like how both Kill Bill and Oldboy have that one miniboss that is causing the protagonist the most trouble.

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I don’t wanna join this draft, because I probably won’t keep up with drafting on time… but I’ll make a 5 point list of my favorite undrafteds after this is done

yep, that’s where I stand as well…

With the 5th overall pick, team superuberbob selects

This Hong Kong film is based on the life of Wing Chun inventor Ip Man. Ip Man, played by martial arts legend Donnie Yen, has just watched his karate master get gunned down by a colonel of the Imperial Japanese Army. When it is his turn to fight for a bag of rice, he wants to get revenge. He does so by demanding that ten black belt karateka fight him.

Many HK fight scenes have a level of absurdity that it’s basically dancing more than fighting. While there’s nothing unentertaining about it and some future picks (including my own) will have that, it can leave them a bit detached from reality especially if they’re on wires. But this isn’t about fancy swordplay or dance numbers. This is about sheer brutality and violence in the name of revenge. Here, you can almost feel every punch as it’s being thrown by Ip Man.

Next up is @JonnyA and followed by @Twist


Pick review so far

  1. Oh Dae-su vs. Gang

  1. The Fifth Element thing

  1. Beatrix Kiddo vs. Crazy 88

  1. Inigo Montoya vs. Dread Pirate Roberts


just watched this movie last year and its great, good pick

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