Movie Fight Scenes Draft

When I was in high school my buddy and I could recite the coffee scene from memory.

Never noticed it before, but the sound design is solid. You really get a sense of how loud those guns are.

Apparently for most movies they fuck around with the sound a lot but for Heat they basically did nothing

Heat is sick, awesome pick.

Dammit, this was on my slate too. Love this scene.

Gonna go ahead and pick a couple of brutes for my next two.

There are films which contain fights, and films that are all about the fights. These next two choices fall unequivocally into the latter section and they stand out because they have the most VORP of any fights within that section.

Round 3 Pick 7:

The Raid: Mad Dog vs the brothers
(FAIR WARNING: Scene contains a particularly graphic throat slit which you might not want to watch)

I always think that there’s something slightly absurd about long, convoluted martial arts choreography. This lends itself well to Jackie Chan style movies but often seems comically out of place when taken too seriously.

This fight takes itself seriously.

Even so, the scene is so brilliantly executed that it approaches a level of realism which makes it utterly compelling throughout. It’s still at its best when the guys are just brutally thumping lumps out of each other though and there’s well…plenty of that.

I myself am particularly fond of Mad Dog’s head. He’s just a fantastically menacing villain and here he’s at his most menacing.

Basic scene setup: Bloke in Chains is our fresh faced hero’s brother. Mad Dog is obviously the torturer. That’s all you need to know really.


Round 4, Pick 1:

John Wick 3: Lets chuck knives at each other
(FAIR WARNING: Scene contains a particularly graphic eye piercing segment you might not want to watch)

(Edit: didn’t realise when making that warning that this was the still they selected to advertise the video)

Obviously just like the Raid series the Wick one has an enormous amounts of fights to choose from. There’s [undrafted], [undrafted] and even that other one from [undrafted]. This one is just so much fun though. Who, other than my missus, doesn’t wanna see Keanu Reeves chucking knives into people from 20 feet or hammering one into an opponents skull? That’s right - no-one.

Perfect combination of graphic violence and laughs. You wince, you chuckle, sometimes you wince and chuckle; sometimes you cringe, wince, chuckle and politely ask the director to please fuck off. That final axe throw is an absolute chef’s kiss.

Can’t get a better mindless action scene imo, well other than maybe [undrafted, but on my list].

Edit: @JonnyA is back on the ticker.


Yes! Finally someone mentions The Raid, the Godfather of martial arts movies.


The Raid and John Wick have a crazy number of scenes to choose from. They’re great picks and I don’t even think they’re the best picks from either series imo.


Those are some excellent picks.

Probably won’t be able to post pick till after work.

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For my 4th pick, I’m going to go with my all time favorite comedic fight. Obviously the fighting isn’t great, but it’s one of the most quotable scenes of all time and probably the fight scene I have watched the most times (after Heat).


@superuberbob is up.

So good

Shit sniped

Was gonna go for this last round but decided to do the martial art scene first as I didn’t think this would be taken

Damn you…this is more than a flesh wound


It’s the fourth round and I’m finally picking a martial arts legend that hasn’t even been touched yet.

It’s Tony Jaa in:

Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior - Fight Club Scene

Thai martial arts actor Tony Jaa finally breaks into this draft. Normally, long scenes like these tend to drag on and bore me but there was nothing boring about this.

Here, a bulked up foreigner who represents basically every stereotype of a douchebag tourist is beating the crap out of everybody in the club. In the background, we see Ting (Tony Jaa) slowly approach the ring looking to get his stolen money and the Ong Bak statue’s head back by being the last man standing in this extended battle.

If he wasn’t Thai, Tony would be as well-known by the world (if not more so) than the likes of Donnie Yen and Jackie Chan. In terms of sheer athleticism, he surpasses both.

I think it’s on @Nicholasp27 now.

Current Team
Ip Man (2007) - Ip Man vs. Ten black belts
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) - Yu Shu Lien vs. Yu Jiaolong
Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door (2000) - Spike Spiegel vs. Vincent Volaju
Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior (2003) - Fight club scene


This guy looks like a lame wrestling jobber more than anything and maybe he was one.

I’v never seen this before, Tony Jaa has a very distinct and unique way of moving, although perhaps it’s just because I’m not used to seeing Muy Thai. This was a good scene, I enjoyed the guy whose gimmick was to attack using every object within reach.

I think he was a bodybuilder at one point. Though it sounds like he could be a pro wrestler.

EDIT: Nope. Former Muay Thai light heavyweight champion who now runs a gym in Australia

Tony is a different beast. He didn’t know that the other HK actors are on wires when jumping/flying from place to place. A lot of the stunts he does in other scenes that look like they’re on wires are often him doing it for real.

He also trains in Muay Boran, a predecessor of Muay Thai, that included more ground work and was designed for use by the military in the early 20th century. That could explain his movement.


Ok will regroup and pick one shortly

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@tabbaker I’m only pinging you because you’re such a thoughtful person and I want you to have time to think about your pick while Nick is making theirs

So I have a scene where they fight with swords and one where they fight with guns and one where they fight with fists, but not one where the fight is with objects that happen to be in the room.

I also last took a scene where the fighter was drunk and fought better when drunk. Just instincts and improvisation and winging it until he won.

This time I’m going to take a scene where the fighter also takes on multiple bad guys, but this fighter has OCD and has the vision to see how a fight will go down and predicts the fight down to the second before the fight and then times it to see how accurate he was. A methodical, well-trained badass fighter.

The Equalizer