Movie Fight Scenes Draft

I’ll edit the current chart into the OP if Bob agrees to say nothing but praise for Aliens

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I linked to it in the OP


This is a warmish take as I haven’t watched Raging Bull in years, but imo for a fight scene involving a real life sport I find it ridiculously OTT. No one would survive the pummelling De Niro takes, and anyway the referee would have stopped it after just a few of those blows. It’s a great scene DGMW, but I wish there was just one boxing film out there that could try to depict a fight somewhat realistically.


Straight up refusing to say nice things about Aliens :open_mouth:

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Fights were different back then. There wasn’t even a mandatory eight count. Fighters would just stand above their opponents waiting for them to get up before continuing to batter them.

Fighters fought more often and refs were less inclined to stop fights as opposed to now.

For my 3rd rd pick:

This scene breaks me down every time I see it.

I understand some of the problems with it. I still find it very moving.

Humans dying for a good cause.

The musical crescendo tease before they run into the cannons is a statement on war itself.

To tie back to the 2 previous picks Broderick’s final charge is reminiscent of Vader striking down Obi-Wan.

When Denzel grabs the flag I can just taste the bloodlust.

Gonna use this for motivation when defending the UP compound in a few years.


It’s obviously embellished, but LaMotta did take a huge beating in the actual fight. He wasn’t defending himself for most of the 13th round and the ref waited a very long time before stopping it. I’m assuming if this fight happened today, ref would have stopped if the first time LaMotta was getting pummeled on the ropes rather than just separating them.


What’s with everyone mentioning undrafteds? I thought that was frowned upon, if not forbidden.

I think some people are trying to turn the thread into someone’s next pick

Wasn’t thinking about the other fights on that video when I posted it

If I’m reading things right, it looks like @tabbaker is now actually up.

@tabbaker you’re up. (Just reposting so I will remember).

Ok trying to think of something that will continue to get the haters mad


Already boiling. Gonna have to turn up the heat :fire::fire::fire:

Round 3 Pick

So far every pick has been a serious action movie fight. It’s time we change that since action movies are lame.

Borat vs Azamat


No way xvideos embeds on here right?

Oh dear it sorta did.


Two naked, hairy dudes going at it. When they bring the fight outside the room it reaches a new level. Those poor people on the elevator might still be scarred to this day.


I’m fairly confident you accomplished your goal.


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Talk about unexpected.

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@Nicholasp27 is up

not clicking that

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I had a couple of comedy fights in my top 40 but they weren’t from Borat.

Can’t believe I forgot it.

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