Movie Fight Scenes Draft

Before, you know, the actual trilogy. The one they hold as the Holy Grail of cinema. But nah, let’s pick something from the prequels we love to bitch about!

It’s like a Giants fan picking the game winning play in week 7 as the most exciting play during the 2007 season.

18-1 baby!


I hadn’t watched the Darth Maul fight scene in the longest time, and definitely remember that part being the best scene as a thirteen year old. Rewatching it again, there is a solid minute there where it is cool to see Darth Maul fight off 2 jedi masters with one dual light saber. But then after that it is Darth Maul forcing one on one fights. Maybe there was no good way for Anakin to win that fight, but man than finish felt weak. It’s like if someone in the oldboy scene suddenly found a gun in his pocket and shot dae-su.

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Nothing more to say that this guy didn’t already say.



My phone just went crazy.

Also while nitting. Matrix opening scene is fucking awesome, but it is more of setting the rules. It deserves a higher place in best opening scenes than best movie fight scenes.


Give me just a minute on this next one.

I mean I like the fight. But it’s funny to pick that fight from a movie that is supposed to be unwatchable vs Ep 4-6.


I assume we’re talking about Obi-Wan. I think it’s a top notch fight. That part didn’t bother me.

I do think that Darth Maul should not have been as dominating as he was. If Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan are as powerful as advertised, they should have been clear favorites. And if that’s the case, then forcing one on one fights is the optimal strategy. They got the latter part right, but not the former.

Geez I guess this isn’t going to be a fight scene draft much longer lol


The scene is more a product of its time. Pretty good for 40 years ago. But it’s a film that didn’t really focus too much on fight scenes compared to others that have and will continue to pop up.

I should note that I really hate Star Wars. One time, I tried to watch A New Hope and fell asleep a half hour into the film. Again, a product of its time and probably nostalgic for most who continue to love it. Never attempted to watch another Star Wars film.

@RiskyFlush is up next

My write up was my tribute to Basquiat.

Those Vader phrases are legendary like Rakim. Plus light sabers.


My bad on lack of notification. A little confused on the draft order.

I had to check it myself. No biggie :slight_smile:

Great scene, which IIRC is followed by Anton treating a leg wound in a scene i find oddly pleasing to watch, like ASMR or something.


Hello! Making coffee and will pick soon.

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I’m super glad I’m not participating in this, but it’s been a lot of fun to rail


I wanted to add I get this take honestly.

It wasn’t on my of list but I think I had Topshots brain when I made the pick.

Still some blue chippers sitting around.

Don’t listen them these people clearly don’t know anything about anything

He is kind of tempting me to take unprecedented poetic license.

To me a good fight scene also needs to have a decent set-up/payoff plot wise. It also needs to be an exciting scene by itself, but I think what makes it great to me is if the fight has meaning. Vader/Luke may not be an amazing duel, but to me the context and historical significance makes it indisputably an epic fight scene.

On the other hand the Darth Maul fight would never make a top list for me based on how terrible and meaningless every scene in those movies are.

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