firing comey when he could have gotten away with the russia thing by just denying evidence through existing presidential powers
lmao forgot about this beauty
Every tweet is a tie
I nominate the time Trump said the central park 5 should still be executed even though they were proven innocent by DNA.
On a side note, ‘covfefe to covid’ would be a good thread title for something…
Love the idea but I just can’t.
Any of the times he’s referred to a trade surplus as winning
Standing around the orb with the Saudis
Windmills cause cancer
Saying health insurance costs $12/year.
Not being able to figure out the arms crossed joining of hands.
Wondering if the flu vaccine is effective against corona.
Calling chloroquine a miracle drug.
Not being able to figure out an umbrella and walking onto AF1 with toilet paper on his shoe.
This thread made me wonder if anyone has done an analysis of what scandals the right thought were the biggest during Obama’s Presidency? I would imagine you could come up with a reasonably proxy based on mentions on fox or air time devoted to various scandals. I think a top 10 or 20 largest Obama scandals list would be interesting/entertaining to place side by side with the Trump list.
Latte salute
edit - missed that this was Obama … still this one is up there
Remember when he tried to start WWIII with Iran?
Biggest Obama scandal had to be “If you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor” right?