Miami High Rise Collapse

Alaska had nine fatal plane accidents last year , eight in 2017, 12 in 2016, and 11 in 2015, the newspaper reported. The NTSB website indicates 5.4% of the 221 fatal crashes in the U.S. in 2016 — the most recent year listed — occurred in Alaska , which has less than 1% of the national population.

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When I worked in the theater we would stand on the top of ladders and lift and attach heavy shit over our heads all the time, climb up the set pieces to change stuff in clunky steel toed boots. I get queasy looking out windows now….

Psh, heights.

Spiders, however….shudder


Haha excellent work! Thanks!

Does this mean what I think it means viz a viz the unaccounted for?

I don’t think they would be imploding the rest of the building if they thought there were survivors.

So that explains the Air Force instead of the Army?

Sprayer planes used to cause a lot of crashes with telephone and power lines. The guy who did my grandparent’s fields was drinking most of the time too.


They probably kill their share of innocent bystanders, too.

Yeah when I had my little one-man landscaping/odd-job ads up - by far the most I made an hour was cleaning gutters. If the roof was shallow enough I could scuttle around and do a whole house in 30 minutes and make $60. I’d sit on the roof for another 30 minutes if the owner was home - so they wouldn’t feel totally ripped off.

It never really occurred to my 19-year-old idiot self that I was getting a premium for danger. One dude had painted his whole house except for the side facing a downward slope. The entire basement was exposed on that side. Then the first story, then the second story, and outside of the attic above it. I had to use the tallest ladder I’ve ever been on. That was scary. Nice of him to knock out the easy parts for me.

Another guy hired me to do his tall pointy bushes like they have in Italy. I did the first one which wasn’t bad but didn’t notice how they got progressively taller. By the last one I had the latter jammed into the bush, standing on the top step with my tiptoes, reaching way above my head with the electric bush trimmer trying to get the top of the point. So freaking dangerous. My plan was just to grab the bush for dear life if I started to fall.

Then I’d underbid some horrible non-dangerous overgrown yard cleanup, and make $8/hr toiling in the KC summer heat when it was all said and done.

My friend/boss was a monkey man on the roofs. No harness hauling rolls of ice and water on his shoulders and shit. Making fun of us the whole time. I actually saw him go over the edge once when he was actually wearing a harness. We used climbing harnesses which were not OSHA certified according to our boss and his contractor but at least you weren’t face down if you did go over the edge.

I didn’t know roofing was rated that dangerous. The people I know that have done it for years definitely have broken down bodies though.

Doing stucco on scaffolding (usually using just one 12 inch wide plank), we’d turn over a 5 gallon bucket and stand on that. Inevitably not enough, so tip-toe and bounce on it to get all the way into the corner of a gable.

Ladders have to be the worst though. My uncle was over 80 and incredibly active till he somehow mis-stepped off a ladder and broke his ankle/foot. Metal pins couldn’t fix it. They amputated it. He wouldn’t wear a prosthetic. I think in his mind he wasn’t a “whole man” anymore. He got severely depressed, wouldn’t get out of bed much. One day he was alone and fell. Hit his head and died. Very sad but he just couldn’t live any other way than how he’d been used to.


I think tolerance of heights is surprisingly trainable. My dad always tells this story when he started working as a radio and tv technician he had to install antennas on people‘s roofs (must have been mid 60s).
When he started out he would sit his ass on the ridge and use both hands to maneuver. He would have the antenna tied to his back. By the end of his first year he was walking on the ridge while balancing with the antenna in one hand. Then the new guy had to take over that job and the cycle started anew.

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How long until Tucker starts ripping on building inspections?

Usually building inspections are ok, but this building inspector was a transgender socialist who only got “their” job because of Critical Race Theory!

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I made it about 6 seconds in. And I’m sitting down, three feet below ground level.

That stuff is crazy. The last time I was at Jackson Hole we watched these glider people run right off the ledge of the top of the mountain and just watching that was such an insane stomach feeling lol.

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