Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

Well, that might not be the case after Fox runs a bunch of stories about how the boyfriend was No Angel and once got detention in junior high school so he had “priors” and Our Heroes In Blue had reasonable cause to fear for their lives.

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Feel like it’s pretty easy angle for fox to go like “fed govt stepping in and going after our boys in blue”

It’s all part of Biden’s Policing Crisis, if you think about it.

Tucker Carlson is still good for 3-4 segments a week on George Floyd dying of a drug overdose, nothing is off limits.

nice try onion


Merrick Garland sucked a little less today.


Let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks just yet.


I’m going to enjoy this tonight, because this may be the closest we get to getting him. If it is, I at least want to enjoy the right wing meltdown.

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You do you

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Literally dozens of twitter WE GOT HIM moments and not even a single grand jury so far. Calm down.

I don’t think we got him. But those maga tears are fucking sweet tonight.

This will go down as “#shrug emoji at least they did SOMETHING” week of the Biden administration between this and the Inflation bill.

Yea we’re not getting him but this is the best we’ve had since trump got covid.

Nah, the high point was when he got banned from twitter then tried to circumvent the ban Raids-style.


Which did you enjoy more?

  • Near-death COVID experience
  • Twitter ban

0 voters

OMG the near death experience was a night I will never forget.

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The problem with voting “near death COVID experience” is that we didn’t know until way later he was in fact close to dying.

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No, it wasn’t even the near death part. It was the night that he got it into the next day, into him getting hospitalized. I mean, common sense at the time dictated that he was really fucking high risk.

When it was announced he was being airlifted to Walter Reed we were on full death watch.


meh, when he admitted via tweet that he “didn’t feel that good” after the fact or something, I knew it had to have been pretty bad. He thinks sickness = weakness, so it would’ve been something extraordinarily scary to him to admit that, imo.