Mental Health Thread

Does she have a history of depression?

There is a difference between having a depressive episode and having depression, but I’m not sure it really warrants fussing over. She could just be in a miserable situation.

lol you can just tape it to your leg or something. They don’t pat you down and they don’t go in the restroom with you. Or wear your grandpa’s tighty whities and put it in there.

My ex once put it in the microwave too long and put it in her undies and burned her va-jay-jay


What are the penalties for getting caught cheating a drug test other than “Haha gotcha no job for you”?

It’s just infuriating cause its fucking legal in this state. You dont see them testing people for alcohol or nicotine

She broke up with him. I hear you but I’m not really worried about that. It was clear she liked me for a long time but was in a relationship and never crossed any boundaries until after the break up.

Plus like I said I’m just going to be her friend. If that helps her in her situation with her ex thats fine. I don’t think thats the case though.

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What kind of job? If you’re operating heavy machinery it could be an insurance thing. If it’s a desk job then its dumb as hell.

I’m an accountant. It’s for a company that does operate heavy machinery, but I’ll never even be near any of the equipment

Probably just a company wide policy to avoid appearance of preferential treatment or some shit, but yeah its dumb.

I think your best bet is to just gamble on the quick fix, you can pick it up at almost any smoke shop. You will likely test dirty if you try legit, so you got nothing to lose.

It’s possible they don’t care about weed, some places don’t. I know some people who tested positive almost certainly and still got the job. But thats also a huge gamble.

lmao wtf whats a bonded position? I feel like that is a massive breach of privacy. Thats fucked up. Never even heard of that outside of probation.

Smart idea at the end. I have access to the handbook.

Hmm not my read. She’s missed work the last couple of days because of this. I don’t know though. Even way before she would send me gifts all the time and text me and be nice and I would of course be nice back but wouldn’t text back a lot of the time and had to turn down hanging out because of covid. So she could have thought I didn’t like her back and now I’m giving her a lot of attention.

That said I really doubt it. If she wasn’t really depressed I think she would go talk to a therapist to make me happy or something. Her resistance and the fact she feels completely hopeless feels very real.

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It’s generally considered a good idea to directly ask potentially suicidal people if they intend to harm themselves, but it’s important that you don’t judge them or argue with them if you don’t like the answer.


I really don’t think she is considering it anymore. She making plans for adventures, wants me to go on them with her, and just applied for another job being a teaching sub.

I’ll bring it up the next time she talks about her depression though.

These are the moments when I wonder if my life is truly cursed and those thoughts about people being better off with me dead than alive resurface.

Like, I’ve been working with a company as a temp for 8 months, and done such a great job that they want to hire me full time… and I’m going to lose my job because I’ve taken to legally self-medicating on the weekends during a pandemic?

Fucking seriously?

It seems unnecessarily cruel

I think you can pull off the quick fix. But yeah testing for marijuana when you aren’t operating heavy machinery is absolute bullshit.

You guys are the best and I really appreciate you. I taking in all the advice and plan to apply it



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I mean I guess you define suicidal ideation but I think about what it would be like to kill myself. I don’t think that it and of itself is a sign that you’re suicidal. Plenty of people can think of things and not be remotely close to doing it. I thought about banging a supermodel but I’m 36 and have a gut. So it’s not going to happen.

Yea i am not suicidal but rarely a day passes where I don’t think about it. It’s just white noise to me now.

I actually have a weird tick where I sometimes mutter aloud, completely involuntarily, “im gonna kill myself.” Never figured out what triggers it, probably don’t want to know.

Bottom line is it isn’t an option for me so it is easy to ignore.


My mind wanders a lot through all possible scenarios in the decision tree of life. I’m drawn to considering all of the what-ifs. I think of everything. Suicide is a subset of everything.

When it crosses my mind, I instantly rule it out. When I hesitate to do so, that’s when I know I have issues that need to be resolved.

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