MCU and whatever DC is doing.

On the way to watch ep 2. Advance reviews say ep1 is slow but ep2 picks up the pace. Will report back.

I basically never watch just one ep. Disney needs to get with the program and drop at least two episodes at once.

They did this with Andor and it was perfect. I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all, but it was definitely right for Andor and might have been the better approach here.

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Okay ep2 is off to a great start and I haven’t seen Samuel L chew this much scenery in a long time, he is on fire when he’s mad

Clarke must really, really, not have anything better to do than this. Weird.

I would not blame her for just taking a gig in which she’s not blonde.

That Christmas movie she did was truly one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. I have to assume that this is better at least by default, and likely comes with a bigger payday.

She was also in Solo. Think her demand is just less than we would believe.

No love for Terminator Genysis?? :crazy_face:

The opening scene recreations of the original movies are AMAZING, but oof everything afterward.

This may as well be a deleted scene from T1. Gorgeous.

The opening shots of the nukes on Judgement Day are rad too.

Or a T1000 now being present during T1?!!

Or just the painstaking recreations

But yeah, as far as any of the scenes with Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor…

In the meantime…

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Solo and Genisys were her opportunity to became a mega bankable action movie star and they both bombed. I don’t think she was all that good in either as well. In Genisys in particular it felt like she was badly miscast.

If her career peaks with a starring role in Game of Thrones, that’s still a pretty great peak!

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She also had some major health problems, so that could be a factor.

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Interestingly enough I think the movie industry as a whole has kind of shifted from having bankable movie stars to having bankable franchises.

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She had a huge brain injury (before GOT) that left her temporarily unable to even remember her name.

Mostly I think well GOT ended just a few years ago and consumed most of her life even while she was side stepping into movies.

Then it was 2020 and we all know what the last few have been like for everyone.

Idk bad luck with those movies but also I hope she is just taking care of herself.

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See this is what comic book movie superheroes should look like.

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Finally fulfilling the promise of a deleted scene from The Wolverine :pray:

I prefer super hero movies where it’s too dark to see anything and the dialogue is too muffled to understand.


Hard to explain how boring the Secret Invasion mini series is, but it is B-A-D.

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