MCU and whatever DC is doing.

So how much time would we have spent with diarrhea? A few weeks instead of months?

Not exactly sure, but I would doubt you notice it. Your poop is around 50 percent bacteria that have grown in your gut, and it’s probably pretty close between the mass of the bacteria in one poop vs the persistent mass of bacteria in your gut. That shit grows. It might not take more than a poop or two to repopulate. The only real risk of diarrhea is if Thanos deleted whole clades rather than deleting a random sampling of all clades.

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Ya the big problem with Thanos’s plan is that species will repopulate super fast.

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If someone gets snapped, wouldn’t 100% of their biome go with them? Unless there was some weird mechanism that allowed some of that biome to remain behind even after the person was snapped, you wouldn’t need to eliminate any of the bacteria living inside the folks who weren’t snapped, right?


What if the host organism gets snapped but some of the gut microbes are suddenly exposed to the environment.

Honestly, I don’t remember, did the snapped leave behind their clothes or not? If they did, then the boundary between one’s clothes and one’s skin microbiome is super fuzzy.

I think that might have been the post credit scene to the Eternals, actually…

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The clothes get dusted too… Or at least they don’t stay behind as intact garments.

Porno version where some of the characters get their clothes snapped off.


Winnie the Poohing it

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Seems weird that the clothes go away too, now that you make me think about it, but given that they do, I guess snapping would have to delete a, shall we say, shitload of microbes per person snapped, and that snapping seems to target the whole corporeal volume of multicellular eukaryotes rather than considering single cell life, inside or outside of multicellular eukaryotes, as candidates for erasure?

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I thought Thanos was just getting intelligent beings, I don’t remember pets or other “animals” getting snapped. As far as clothes go it’s magic, don’t think about it too much. We’re probably lucky whatever the person was sitting on or touching didn’t get snapped too which would have sucked for people in boats and planes and trains.

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KH still looking good! At least the dicking around ended in episode 1. Or should I say high hopes of that.

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That’s a long fucking trailer.

Honestly it’ll take a minor miracle for me to watch anything Marvel now. The well of creativity has apparently been bled more or less dry.

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Honestly it’s amazing it’s lasted this long. The creativity comes in the form of having good actors nail their characters with great performances. The storytelling has been pretty formulaic for a long time now. Some of the films have tried to take a slightly different approach. One example was The Eternals which was meh. But Moon Knight was fucking amazing and I’m pissed that there hasn’t been more of that.


Yeah I think that might have been the last Marvel show i enjoyed.