MCU and whatever DC is doing.

I think it looks decent, though I’m annoyed that they revealed so much in the trailer.

Ans they havent made a scarlet spidermovie yet? Instead we get Kraven and Madame Web? Whats next - The Incredible Aunt May?

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Marvels was a bit of a mess, but I still had fun. This is the sort of stuff they should be trying in their TV shows.

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Easy solution:


Somehow still less offensive than letting Majors play the role.

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Wife and I finally watched She-Hulk. Really enjoyed it. Fun, unique series.

Through two episodes of Loki S1. Great so far. Another big swing that is working for me.

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I just finished season 2 of What If. Very fun. I never finished the Peggy Carter series, but she’s a very watchable character as a multiversal hero. I hope Kahhori makes a Harley Quinn-like jump from being an original TV/movie character to the pages of a comic book.

Agent Carter was a good season 1. Was less into season 2, but it was fine.


Guy on the far right wants to play Cyclops. I say give him the role.

I am thinking anyway that the X-Men has a chance to hook audiences into an over-arching multi movie cinematic universe. The key to Avengers being so successful was that we never went very long without an appearance from someone in the main roster. But with all of those characters now essentially shelved (buhbye Captain America), all of the side events are just side events. We need characters we consider to be core characters, not just loosely interconnected storylines.

I think that’s one reason Loki worked so well. He feels like a core cast member.

No one likes Cyclops, no one will mind if he gets the role. Maybe he can mix it up and make Cyclops fun like Momoa did for Aquaman.

As much as we all shit on Marvel movies, they worked as well as they did because they had a top-notch cast, the first Avengers movie had wall-to-wall charisma from everyone. X-Men needs that if it’s going to try to reboot itself.

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Heyyyy I thought James Marsden breathed surprising life into Cyclops. Really a shame to have dispensed with him so he could star in a boring Superman movie.

I’m with you on the casting. These need to be actors and characters we want to spend time with as a core cast. But it’s very hard for Avengers to do that since the main cast is now mostly retired. They can’t even hint that the characters are off having adventures we will someday get to see. Cap is somewhere on the moon. I think that context of the core cast out there doing things and coming back together is what made the MCU work. It was awesome to watch Spider-Man and see Iron Man show up. It just doesn’t feel the same to know that’s never going to happen again, the best we’ll get is the Bucky and Falcon buddy cop comedy hour.

Appearing on a Twitch game show, the Orphan Black star was asked if she thought She-Hulk: Attorney at Law would be returning for a second season. “I don’t think so,” Maslany answered. “I think we blew our budget, and Disney was like, ‘No thanks!’”

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I probably am one of the few but I liked She-Hulk. I liked Echo also. More shows with women, minorities, and those with disabilities are the way forward for me. I also agree with other posters that Marvel needs strong actors in main characters and as stars for their ensembles like the Avengers. I enjoyed recast characters like the X-men have had with Magneto and Professor X. It can work provided they don’t mess up the casting.

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No; She-Hulk was enjoyable. I’m pretty well lapsed on MCU TV at this point, but in the unlikely event of a She-Hulk S2 I’d have tuned in.

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