Master3004's Upbeat Walrus - Reveal!

I realise now this should have been my guilty pleasure last time out.

I propose a live Walrus at the annual Unstuck meetup.


Might as well just stick AM radio on tbh.

I’m confident I won’t want to, but let’s see.

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karaoke with audience participation

the jalfrez, enraptured and a few bud light limes deep, lets the mask fall


lol bud light. Impossible to get drunk on that shit.


is another matter.

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Is AM radio even still a thing over there? Does it still play MOR and AOR?

god dammit.

my favorite queen song, and i don’t mind Adam Lambert because IMHO he doesn’t try to be like Freddy. I really wish I could have found a live recording of Freddy doing this song with audience participation, because it’s one everyone always sings along to, and Freddy so often did the audience participation thing.

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Yeah, Im sorry. Like I said, it wasn’t your fault. You couldnt have had any idea that my idea of a good Adam Lambert is one being shot into the sun.

That carries a huge risk that it somehow goes off track and into outer space, and is eventually picked up by aliens who conclude we think so highly of Adam fucking Lambert that he most perfectly encapsulates everything that’s good about our species.

And then they find us and destroy us.

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when do you anticipate the next reveal, boss?

we all very much appreciate all your work. charming write-ups


I say we throw jalfrezi a bone next category with a podium-finish, so he can experience a reward.

I say that’s a foregone conclusion. It ticks all the boxes, and then some.



Well, you’re definitely going to be above me. I’ve already exceeded expectations despite not understanding some basic aspects of this thing, so I’m feeling good and ready to get clowned.

This upcoming cat flummoxed me because how can one know what someone else wants to sing along to? I just went with something easy to learn/remember/get stuck in your head.


Lyrical hooks, the music biz bastards call it, and they’re loathe to take on new performers if their songs don’t have them.

only j/k about my next sub - expecting to wooden spoon it again

What kind of music did you like as a kid? Your parents were musicians? What were those formative years like with that familial influence? What else found its way into your heart before you narrowed your focus to a key-hole-sized aperture into the world of music that filtered the popular pablum?