Major League Baseball (Part 1)

The lifelong refrain of every Reds fan

normally I like pitchers’ duels, but this is a bit much

duvall walking off here would be a classic


at least we faded that embarssment

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I’ve turned off the game. I’m convinced I’m a jinx and that they might actually win if I’m not watching. This has no basis in science, just my gut.

unless you jinxed it by not watching and mentioning the previous jinx.


What if you watching was the only thing keeping the braves from scoring runs! :open_mouth:

Forgot the Reds were on. Not used to thinking of them as a playoff team. Very used to not paying attention to the second half of the season.

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you really haven’t missed much, unless you LOVE pitching

I’ve transitioned from enjoying the pitcher duel to maximum anxiety

same same

Its not like us Braves fans have had the best Octobers over the past 30 years.

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You’ve had five WS appearances since the last one for the Reds. That the Braves did a lot of choking is irrelevant.


maybe they should start each extra inning with the bases loaded

Pretty funny the last walkoff against the reds was Fisk. Easy guess considering that’s all of about 15 games ago.

Marlins/Cubs seem to have caught the same disease so far…

i am once again asking for some runs


You can get your own damn Taco Bell.

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Very fair. And I’ve got no issues with the Reds or Reds fans. I love Barry Larkin, ok?