Major League Baseball (Part 1)

My brother used to do that, but a) without the stumble, and b) not from third to home. Also, not in the big leagues.

Holy shit he stole all the bases haha


Mets lead the NL in BA, OBP, and OPS+ yet are 10th in runs.

I hate them.


Brewers boycotting their game against the Reds today


Everyone stay in your fucking homes, unless you’re under an evacuation order, until we can figure everything out. seventh circle of hell

The thing you linked is from 2017. It’s reds playing brewers tonight and seems like they are striking

Also other teams discussing

Let’s fucking goooooo Mariners.

I mean, they literally arent doing anything else this year. Might as well do SOMETHING good with their season.


Mariners game cancelled.

Boom. Attaboys!


Tonight I stand with my fellow professional athletes in protest of the injustices my people continue to suffer. I could not play this game I love so much tonight knowing the hurt and anguish my people continue to feel. In a world where we are the ones who need to remain calm while a trained professional points a gun in our face; a world where the people in uniforms who took an oath to protect us are the same ones killing us; a world where we become hashtags before we even reach our potential; we must stand together, speak out, protest, and be the change we demand, require, and need so bad. To the families who have experienced these tragedies first hand my heart breaks for you, my prayers are with you and I use my platform to speak on your behalf. I will be protesting tonight’s game in honor of all of my fallen brothers and sisters at the hands of police brutality. #BLM #JacobBlake #BreonnaTaylor #GeorgeFloyd #Saytheirnames


Nice job by the Rockies going like “well let the black dude sit this one out, we’ll play”

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Seems like MLB players union needs to get their act together. Either everybody should boycott or nobody should.

It’s a wildcat. Or at least it would be if the MLB owners hadn’t said they’re cool with things so far. The union cannot be directly involved as the CBA has a no-strike clause.


Mets wanted to not play tonight and the Marlins said no fucking take away their team

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lol wat

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I also heard Van Wagenen got caught on a live mic saying Manfred has no clue. Fun times.

Boston/Toronto canceled as well.

PGA rollin’ ahead lmao

not word one