Major League Baseball (Part 1)

This isn’t the coronation thread.


This is misleading. He’s looking at the 3rd base coach whose holding the same pose.

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He’s just out of frame, making this pose too.


He deserved to get beaned and that’s why the umps didn’t eject the pitchers that did it

Reminds me of one of the more cringey clips I’ve ever seen

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no one said he didn’t. but he wasn’t staring down the dugout when he struck the pose

I guess this is a hot take but I don’t think anyone deserves to have a hard ball thrown at them at over 90mph. Maybe a hotter take, they should start an actual fight if it’s really that big a deal


Agreed, also Yankees should be more concerned about making the playoffs than making sure people “play the game the right way.”

Also, if the home run hats, etc. are fine, why is this so taboo? I get it’s slightly worse since it’s on the field but who cares, it’s a game and you should celebrate when you do something good.

Kauffman really brings 'em out, huh?

Whoa they ejected Cash? I’d head hunt every batter today until they called the game.

All the unwritten rule stuff is stupid, toxic masculinity bullshit. YOU SHOW ME UP I HIT YOU WITH PITCH HERP DERP REAL MEN!


Hitting a guy with an eephus is more insulting than a fastball, pitchers should be all for it. I guess it makes it harder to pretend it was an accident though.

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Hahaha that’d be pretty funny. Upgraded to hilarious if the batter tries to swing anyways and steps outside the box to do so.

agree that no one should get beaned, but very few if any of these guys would start anything if they knew they had to fight one-on-one. the inside pitch is one of the few ways guys who get out of line can be told to knock it off

Right that’s kind of my point. If there was any actual risk to the pitcher they wouldn’t do this shit. Why do they need to tell guys who get “out of line” to knock it off in the first place?

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Because trying to embarrass a major league opponent is childish and unprofessional?

Specific to last night, Randy hits a first inning solo homer and decides to strike a pose. If it was aimed directly at the opponent or not is whatever, this isn’t the WWE. Can get why a pitcher wouldn’t appreciate it.

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But if it’s really that bad, come out of the dugout. I’m not saying players need to be emotionless and not get riled up when an opponent shows them up (though I also think the adherence to the unwritten rules is dumb). Demonstrating your disapproval by chucking a projectile at the guy’s head is cowardly.

Striking a pose isn’t against the rules. People do that shit in almost every other sport after a big play and it doesn’t devolve into assault with a deadly weapon.


Pitcher should be more worried about hanging pitches that get smacked out of the park. Fuck pitchers and their feely feels.


Pitchers throw at players who run too fast around the bases, but also players who don’t run fast enough. It’s all just completely made up horseshit by maniacs with rage disorder.