Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Your Josh Hader update:

Wow, everything the Padres touch turns to shit to match that uniform.


lol Reds

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Phillies led 7-0 and lost 7-13

Wonder if that’s happened before in MLB history


Well, not exactly. But this is close.

So how much did the Angels lose by?

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I had Seattle in this game. Not kidding. (Unless there’s another game where Cleveland came back from an 8+ run deficit to walk off)

Would you believe me if I told you I had Milwaukee and Philly in the 1st 5 innings? Blown 4 run lead and 7 run lead.

I was more impressed by Judge last night. Got the Bonds treatment, and on the 1st pitch he had to hit (in the 8th) he hit it 420 feet. That’s amazing.

So brutal. It’s okay though. Mark will probably get some sympathy sex from it later from some other girl.


Hader’s arm point is different on his slider so it’s not as lively or as deceptive but ti’s not just that everything is out of whack right now for him, wild the night and day difference from the early part of the season and now

though it looks like they noticed, and tried to put it back, but maybe he had to move it cause something hurts him to throw there so now this is going on^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1564270288954687491|twgr^f604ea7564ecb229dcd8fb256b1f8c2c5dcb114f|twcon^s3_&

If Diaz comes in to pitch tonight for the Mets, Timmy Trumpet is going to play Narco live from Citi Field.

Zac Gallen yo

Dbacks could win a lot of games to finish out the year. Got to Nola for 8 tonight

“why don’t you fucking suck some dick dude, thats all i’m thinking right now”

“Wow interesting, two men, on tape, working out, building their pectorial muscles! and this man hears gay sex! Which leads me to conclusion that this man is either gay himself, or… not straight.”

not that there is anything wrong with that. crazy to me that people still think like this in 2022 let alone are willing to proudly say it into microphone.

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speaking of terrible people josh “I hate gay people” hader, who unfortunately got traded to my favorite team, got his first save for them today.

Eh, he’s a decent dude. He tweeted that dumb shit when he was a stupid teenager. If he said that stuff now, yeah, I’d write him off, but I’m willing to forgive it when it was over a decade ago when he was in high school. I figured when guys like Lorenzo Cain stood by him, he had already proven to them he wasn’t that edge lord anymore.

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LMAO Cole’s reaction. Dude must have been screaming inside after those two errors set this up.