Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Oh shit my create a character actually made it to the Bigs

We seriously need to get some type of sports sim going and put UP members in the game. Fun will be had.

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I attempted to do this with Xcom, but there wasnt a ton of interest

Well, with sports sims we could have a member in every position and just sim and watch. Is XCom the same way? That’s already a good time for me. Creating identical traits for peeps and watching the variance.

Prop bets is another level.

Hell, I might just pick up an older system and do it that way since lots of the current games removed sim ability. Probably will just see how soon we could get NCAA 23.

I’ve heard of “taking a technical foul to wake up the team” but never “make a ridiculously dumb decision to wake up the team”.

Madden does it again today in the 1st. Ward on 1st, Ohtani on 3rd. The old delayed double steal - get caught in a rundown. Ohtani never breaks for home. Ward gets run back to 1st out.
Especially galling, it’s the 1st inning with NMCtRPMC * Anthony Rendon at the plate.
Madden gets bailed out with a passed ball next pitch.

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And here we spent years thinking Mike Brown was the worst owner in sports…

Mets looking good this year even without DeGrom right now

Syndergaard has pitched 2 gems so far for the Angles

That’s absurd.

Mets have been completely dominant despite a depleted pitching staff. Carrasco and Bassitt are looking awesome.

Thor had to go. No surprise that he’s doing fine. Wheeler did well after leaving the Mets too. Problem is both had serious injury issues while in a Mets uniform.

Megill too

Don’t worry, the Mets can’t have nice things… it won’t last

Yeah, he was bad for a long time, but he clearly ceded control of operations sometime within the past decade to people who seem to know what they’re doing. They’ve arguably been one of the sharpest at drafting and signing free agents in the last five years, but it went largely unnoticed until the surprise SB birth because no one pays attention to the LOL Bungles. Meanwhile, the Reds people who had any clue (Dick Williams, kyleb, a few others) quit when the Castellinis apparently decided they would just loot the MLB rev shares for max profits. So yeah, some major inflection points that sent them racing in the opposite direction.

Yeah I know. Been a fan since the early 90s. Shit, I remember when Jason Isringhausen, Bill Pulsipher, and Paul Wilson were supposed to be the next Nolan Ryan, Tom Seaver, and Jerry Koosman.

Pulsipher and Wilson were ruined by injuries and went nowhere. Isringhausen fought injuries early but became a solid closer…for the Athletics and Cardinals.

wilson is notable at least

He is one of six starting pitchers in MLB history to fail to get out any of the first eight batters of the opposing team in a game, and the only one to do so twice

This reminds me of when the University of Delaware’s college paper published this:

“Few realize it yet, but the nation’s best collegiate backcourt just may be Delaware’s.”

This hubris was apparently driven by the monumental achievement of UD making back-to-back NCAA Tournament appearances.

2nd game of the year so far! I’m pretty sure sabo and his dog, also named sabo? Is here too.