Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Well yes but I wouldn’t post about how great he is at baseball writing today

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Royals ghana surprise this year. heard it here foist



Last place

absolutely nobody


Yeah. What? Why? Its baseball without the strategy!!! Because who cares about the silly strategy anyway? Nobody understands it. Rob Manfred doesn’t understand it. He just likes to see balls flying out of the park. Its baseball that you don’t have to think about.

Seems like a Vince Mcmahon joint. Will there be cameras in the cheerleader locker rooms?

Not sure why Manfred believes that watching has-beens and nobodies hitting lollipop pitches out of little league ballparks will draw fans to MLB. The guy is just so amazingly dumb.

Who doesn’t want to want “Influential content creators” try to hit little league homeruns.

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How long do we think this lasts? O/U 3.5 (games, events, specials? wtf would they even be called, derbies?)

A reminder to any TMobile/Sprint customers. You can get MLB.TV free through your account. It looks like they are making the offer available next Tuesday (4/5).


Sounds like a lamer version of those early 90s Rock and Jock softball games on MTV.

So after already being deprived of the YES network thanks to Sinclair being cheap fucks and getting dropped by a ton of carriers (and I refuse to move from YoutubeTV to a shitter/more expensive service just to get it back), now it looks like the 20 Yankee games that were on local channel 11 here are now going to Amazon Prime.

I mean I have Prime so it’s no big deal, but a) there’s zero chance I’m keeping a schedule of when they’re on and remembering to tune in, and b) this is a shit trend in general. They are squeezing the baseball fandom out of me drop by drop.

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Crazy to see how far the equipment and grounds keeping has come, I never knew the bases had buckles.

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Not pictured - disabled fan that Cobb kicked on the face.

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What a novel concept. Keeping star players is more fun for fans than losing them. Haven’t I been screaming this for a year or more? Is this thing on? CHECK CHECK I’m gonna guess Pos is past the point where he cares about access anymore.

Anyway, Buster Olney is shocked SHOCKED that shaming the owners didn’t work to get them to spend more. Unfortunately he is forbidden by Scott Boras from ever uttering the words salary and floor in the same sentence.

the A’s just did the same thing with a firesale, if he was gonna go after some team how about the team dumping all their stars

O’s just suck and didn’t spend money in FA to do anything about it

And will still finish higher than the Angels in the ALWest

I can’t believe Mike Trout is 30.

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Ha - I just bought a couple packs of baseball cards for the first time in years (wtf at prices) and got a Mike Trout. I was curious if it was worth anything (it’s not) and saw he has cards going back to the early 2010’s. I couldn’t believe he had been in the league that wrong.

Time flies when you’re having fun, or when a global pandemic destroys your life and you’re not sure what year it is anymore.