Major League Baseball (Part 1)

He was always my favorite of that sick Braves pitching staff.

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all my favorite pitchers turned out to be deplorable. smoltz, mariano, maddox. still holding out hope for mussina to turn out normal, but odd are like 10-1 against.

My favorite pitchers growing up were Pedro and Randy Johnson, no idea what eithers political views look like but Randy seems to have disappeared from the public eye. He seemed like a cool, chill dude. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was living some kind of surf bum type lifestyle even as a rich guy.

Randy Johnson pitching today would probably average like 15 K/9, he probably make a run at 400 ks in a season

Pedro’s season was a huge outlier in the juiced ball era. He’d no doubt have at least one season of under 1 ERA if this was his era.

He’s a photographer now. I looked him up, and his business logo is legendary:


Edit: Ponied but leaving the link anyway. LOL I didn’t notice the logo.

Yeah his 99 and 00 seasons are absurd. Obviously didn’t have the greatest career or longevity but I think he was probably the best of all time at his peak.

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Are we talking about the same Martinez? Pedro pitched for 18 seasons and is one of the greatest pitchers of all-time.

He’s obviously one of the greatest of all time I mean I said he was my pick for the best right in my post? His career was just shorter and he wasn’t an innings eating machine like some of the other recent all time greats like Clemens, Maddux and Randy.

He does some sports photography too. Saw him on an nfl sideline.

This side discussion about deplorable HOF pitchers should probably be kicked to the MLB thread.

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Guess the definition of long career differs between us. To me 18 seasons is pretty incredible

I think it’s more the relationship between strength of peak and length of contribution. Pedro was basically awesome up to his age 33 season then ineffective thereafter. His contemporary inner circle HOF peers like Maddux, Johnson, and Clemens were all effective after age 34, with Johnson having his peak in his late 30s and Clemens getting some chemical assistance.

I’d love to know if Smoltz had chemical assist, because when he transitioned to a closer late in his career, he was hitting upper nineties after being a guy who would throw low nineties as a starter. I understand that he could let loose only having to pitch an inning or two, but still…

Given when Johnson had his peak, I’d say he had some chemical assistance too

Baseball thread is thattaway >>>

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My kid plays softball and likes to pitch so I catch for her a lot, but max out at like 40 pitches.

Just caught BP for her whole team, probably 120 pitches and my knees are a WRECK. Increased my appreciation for these guys doing it 5 times a week.

I forget which off-season it was, but Pedro “bulked up” one year, and I was sad, because it meant he was juicing. Not sure whether that was at his peak or past it.

My faves growing up were Luis Tiant, Bill Lee, and Dennis Eckersley. I’m pretty sure Lee is not deplorable, but not sure about the other 2.

What in the everloving fuck?

Tom Glavine is a dead ringer for Bill Frist. Was always a stone cold lock to be deplorable.