Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Salvador Perez Goat

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Hopefully Orioles let him play in the Olympics

Sadak has been generally great this season so far. NO ONE knew what was happening, except maybe Joey Votto himself.

Seriously, he is a HUGE upgrade from tHom, and is genuinely excited to be calling these games.

He said it was a line-drive double play. So he recognized it as a DP. People don’t tag up and score from third on line-drive double plays. It was not a good call. But those things happen. The one time I heard him he seemed a bit overwhelming, but then so was Brennaman. I will take your word that he is an upgrade.

Hey does anyone watch games via the MLB app? There used to be a way to watch with park audio only (no commentators) but I can’t figure out how to do that in the phone app.

Edit: this link from 2 years ago implies it’s in the app but I can’t find it

Brennaman was the worst announcer in sports. Just a completely insufferable “family values” deplorable.

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I do, and I would love to find that feature

I tried viewing the site on Desktop mode and it didn’t show up as an audio option, so I don’t think it’s just the app. Maybe they got rid of it during the pandemic because things were too quiet? Idk but I loved listening to just the ambient ballpark sounds.

Even if we can’t do park sounds, I wouldn’t mind at least being able to do radio audio overlayed over the video feed (which I’m doing in that screenshot) but that doesn’t seem to be an option in the app either. Hmph.

This link here from 2 years ago shows a similar view to what I’ve pasted above–note the “park” option. So it’s gone, I guess.

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Hi, I’m Royals’ ace pitcher Brad Keller.

Baseball sucks


Cardinals going with a 5 man infield tied 2-2 with bases loaded and 1 out in the 8th. Don’t think I’ve seen that before.

edit: and of course the batter strikes out so doesn’t matter.


Star Castraids

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Ohtani basically walks or strikeout a hitter. still in the 3rd innings he has 5 walks and 5 k’s.

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So reds and dbacks are in a rain delay in the top of the 8th with dbacks leading 5-4, 1 outs and bases loaded.
They scored 2 runs in the innings already, so the score was 4-3 reds after 7 innings.

What happens when they decide they can’t continue the game?

The IL and COVID lists are absolutely decimating my fantasy teams.

The finish the game at a later date. Have to do that when road team takes the lead in the top half of the inning and home team hasn’t finished yet.

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Ya but the road team played more innings and the home team were ahead at the end of the last full inning. I guess they have to continue from the 8th.

Shit, I forgot fantasy baseball was even a thing

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The reds will absolutely play. The lead was BULLSHIT and proof the umps hate the Reds. The inning should never have started, it was already pouring, and the umps refused to call it until after Sims hit a guy then refused every new ball the ump tossed him. How else do you get the message across that you should call the fucking game because the ball is wet and it’s fucking dangerous?!

I’m sorry…it was sleeting by the time they called it. Now it’s hail/snowing

I decided to fill my IL bench of 5 last week and today Soto and Marte both go down for me team. I did not expect this to backfire so quickly. They were my 1 and 5 draft picks for my NL only league.