Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Ahahaha, how do you not recognize Canseco immediately? Dude has one of the most punchable faces of all time and it is burned into my mind’s memory

Trust me, not talking to Jose Canseco about anything ever is a good move.

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He looks really different than he did the last time I paid attention to him. Which was in 1990.

And he was wearing a hat.

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You guys still missing the obvious answer. He had a very famous at bat. Like REALLY famous.

More famous than Kirk Gibson?

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Must be Joe Carter then

Francisco Cabrera.

Speaking as a Jays fan, I can assure you that it was NOT Joe Carter. :smile:

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But he had 100 RBI’s.

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I was older and wiser in 2002, but watching the implosion in the 7th inning of game 6 stopped me from watching baseball for years. I followed Bonds on his road to 756, but for all intents and purposes game 6 killed my love of the game for a long time.

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This got me looking at Joe’s BR page, and WOW do memories ever play tricks on you. I remembered him as being so much better in that 1992 season than he was. Finished 3rd in the MVP voting despite having fewer WAR (2.5!!!) than all but two others who received votes. Winfield had 4 WAR and finished 5th (and I thought he and Joe were about equivalent, maybe even Joe a bit ahead). Alomar had as many WAR as the two of them put together and finished 6th!


How is he deferring money? The player’s union won’t allow that will they? Or is it gonna be a Bobby Bonilla deal where he gets $1 million every year til like 2075?

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He’s full of grit which only their fans can appreciate.


don’t want him in the central :frowning:

Oh well, now the NL Central has two of the best 3rd basemen in the game.

We will give standing ovations for sacrifice bunts because we are the best fans in baseball!


Terrible contract. Analytics team killing it.

Not since Cora left.

rockies fans are probably upset but with the padres going for it and the dodgers being the dodgers they are stuck between fuck and shit

Try a cubs like rebuild and hope to hit on early draft picks? The options all suck there.

Yeah in the 90s there was still a ton of “sort by RBI” thinking in evaluating players, especially for MVP awards. If your team made the playoffs and you led the team in RBI then you were a lock for tons of MVP votes even if your game had obvious holes. Juan Gonzalez is the best example of this.